TTC after 35

OPK 2x A Day?


I've seen some of you say that you test 2x a day. So you use FMU? and then when do you test again?

Ever since I've been TTC I always saw my surge using FMU, I never even tried to test any other time of day. Then I had an ectopic in Nov 2011 and once AF started back up again I've been using OPKs for the last two cycles trying to identify my surge in prep for TTC in March. Last cycle I missed a couple of mornings so I tried to test a few hours later and got a negative. I never did see a surge or notice any EWCM so I was pretty freaked out that I probably didn't O. This cycle I've been testing again in the mornings but haven't seen my surge yet. I'm not sure if my cycle is just messed up from the ectopic, if I'm not Oing, or if maybe I'm just missing my surge.


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Re: OPK 2x A Day?

  • OPK's are recommended to be used later in day, think first urine after getting home from work.  Problem is, if you've had too much fluids during the day your urine may be dilute and not pick up the surge.  I test in am, and early evening.  LH begins surging during the night-and may not be high enough to pick up a surge with FMU....that's why they recommend testing later in day.
    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • When I was using OPK's I seemed to catch my surge either later in the evening/night (like around 10:00) or with FMU.  I never had much luck with the late afternoon/early evening times.  I guess it's the times that seem to work best for your own body.
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  • I've always had the best luck at 5 pm. When I was just testing in the morning, I tended to miss my surge a lot of the time. If you use the Wondfo tests from amazon, they are really really cheap (like 40 of them for less than $10). Then you can test as often as you like and not feel like you are wasting money.
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    TTC #1 since 2009 with unexplained infertility
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    IVF#1 Aug. 2011 = c/p, FET #1 Nov. 2011 = c/p, FET #2 April 2012 = BFP!
    Beta #1 = 153, Beta #2 = 269, Beta #3 = 675
    1st U/S = TWINS!! EDD 12/29/12
    my blog: Journey to Somewhere
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  • If you get the cheap ones, you can test 2X a day and maybe confirm with a digital for peace of mind. 

    I've been doing late morning and late evening because that fits my work schedule and usually get a positives in both an evening and the morning after.  

  • I've had the same problem.  I always used to test with FMU and would always get my smiley face.  Since DS, my cycle has been a bit off and now I seem to be missing the surge some months.  I started testing at 11:00 am instead, but there are still times I'm off.  I wonder if I give up testing too early.  I used to use about 3tests, get the surge, and be done for the month.  Now, I feel like I'm going through a million tests trying to figure things out. 
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  • I am just lurker here but thought I'd put my 2 cents in - I always got the surge with FMU before DD but since then I've missed it with FMU.   I think some of the tests say FMU but if you read on it says that LH is lutenized overnight so levels may not be strong enough with FMU.  I also ready somewhere that you don't need to test more frequently that every 12 hours....I think it has something to do with how long your surge is and 12 hours being the shortest it could be, don't quote me on that though! 

    I have had luck getting a smiley face between 10 AM - 2 PM and every time I test again after that, the next one is negative so I must have a short surge.

    I buy the 20 pack from Amazon and it is $$$ but I usually only use about 6 per one box lasts at least 3 cycles.  I just can't deal with the cheapy ones and trying to read the lines. 

    GL! It took me a few cycles to get it figured out...hang in there!

    Me - 39, DH - 49. BFP #1 6/09, DD- 03/17/10. BFP #2 4/29/11, Blighted Ovum at 8 weeks BFP #3 CP 12/27/11. RLP panel - normal. AMH - 2.1, FSH - 9.1, E2 - 74. IUI #1 + 100mg Clomid - BFN. HSG - CLEAR!! IUI #2+Clomid+Trigger-BFP!! EDD 3/28/13 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks for all the advice!! So I tried testing when I got home from work last night around 6pm using a CBE Digital and while I was awaiting the results it errored out on me...UGH! I used midstream so didn't have any left to try another test so had to wait until this morning and it was negative.

    I think I'm going to try and PIAC and buy some of the cheapies so I can test more often or if i have a malfunction I can try another test.

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