
swelling/blood pressure ?

I am 29w 5d with mono/di boys. my blood pressure is ok but my swelling is ridiculous. i just started swelling really bad yesterday. usually when i sleep at night the swelling in my feet goes down but the last 2 nights it hasnt. my question is... will the dr do anything about your swelling if your blood pressure is fine?? TIA

Re: swelling/blood pressure ?

  • As far as I know, no. Other than recommending keeping your feet up as much as possible and wearing compression stockings. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers twins born at 36 wks Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Have dr. order you compression socks.  They were a god send for me.  I swelled so bad and couldn't walk without them .  Ugly as sin, but a true blessing.
    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • OK thank you! i will ask for them next week at my apt...

  • I wish I had known about the compression stockings.  My right leg swelled so bad towards the end that my foot and calf would turn blue and purple if I stood for more then 5 minutes and my leg was swollen all the way up to my hip and would not go away at night, plus I was on bed rest so I was hardly on my feet anyway.  My OB didn't do anything.  He let me go as long as I could and then when I couldn't take it anymore and we knew the girls were far enough along, he did my c-section.  My swelling went down some after delivery, but I stayed very swollen for about 3 weeks after and then it just went away one day.  GL!
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