On Friday March 2nd I'll be going to Es class to read to them in honor of Read America and Dr.Suesses birthday. They recommend we bring our child's 2 favorite books to read. Well one of her favorites is Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born (we read it every night).
Is it appropriate to share with her class? Granted they're like 8 weeks-15 months old so not that they'd even remember but still. Any thoughts?
Re: Sharing an adoption book with DD's class?
Yes, I think it's fine. The 15 month olds (and younger) might not have the attention span for it, but I think the book itself is wonderful.
Have fun!
But can you do it without crying??!
I can't!!! I cry every time I read that one!
I used to cry every time I read it, I still get a little choked up, but we read it every night so I know what to expect now.
The first time I read it, E was about 5 days old, oh man... I cried ugly, ugly tears.