Late Term and Child Loss

FB fail

This is bugging me and I need to let it out because I know you ladies will understand. I went onto fb today & had to log out of my husband's profile before I could log onto mine. I have blocked all the people I know with newborns but he hasn't. There is one friend whose baby was born (healthy and alive) 10 days after Nathaniel, and before I could log out of his profile her status caught my eye up on the top of his news feed.

It said, "How are you supposed to take care of a baby and be sick at the same time? I am miserably sick. I feel bad for me." Then, a few comments down she says, "Ok Who wants my baby??? Anybody? Oh, she's getting sick, too. So even more good times ahead. Thanks for the sympathy. Since she doesn't know what I'm saying, it's nice to complain to FB at least :)"

I know she doesn't mean any hurt by it. But how could you say that?? I really wish I hadn't seen it. It makes me so sad.
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Re: FB fail

  • That would bother me too.  I'd gladly take a sick baby right now.  I'm sorry you had to see that.
    Mom to Eliott Alexander, born sleeping at 37 weeks on 8/13/10. Most of us only dream of angels - I held one in my arms.
    BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
    BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
    Too beautiful for this earth
    BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
  • I'm soooo tempted to reply "_____, I would happily take your baby. Count your blessings." Not sure that's a good idea though- someone talk me down!
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  • Ugh I'm sorry. I would totally take her sick baby anytime.
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  • imageweddedwife:
    I'm soooo tempted to reply "_____, I would happily take your baby. Count your blessings." Not sure that's a good idea though- someone talk me down!



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  • I hate when people talk like that. They don't realize how good they have it. Big hugs. Sorry you saw that.
    TTC since November 2009. DH diagnosed with sperm antibodies. IUI #1 = BFN IUI #2 = BFN On the road to IVF.... Egg Retrieval Jan 21, 2011 16 eggs retrieved Egg transfer Jan 26, 2011 Only 2 viable eggs transferred. 1 IVF, 1 ICSI IVF #1 = BFP :-) 10/3/11 No heart beat at 38 weeks: Our baby Jack became an angel 12/14/11 = natural BFP Rainbow baby Samantha Jacklyn born8/8/12. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Wow I would be upset too. I can't dealwith people who are pregnant and they complain about how sick they are or they are miserable I would gladly give anything to be pregnant again and feel my baby girl kicking me while she was alive. I would take any baby sick or not. I would rather be up all night and tired then have to deal with not having my DD her with us. Hugs to you some people SUCK!!
    DS- Brenden born 11/13/93 Missed miscarriage on March 6, 2007 @ 9 weeks D&C on March 8th 2007. Riley Annalise born 2/25/08 ( 3 weeks early weighing 8 lbs 12.8 oz.) Chemical pregnancy 3/2010. Sydney Adriana born sleeping on 9/30/11 weighing 10lbs 3 oz at 38wks 4 days. Trinity Alivia born via c section at 36 wks 4 days weighing 9 lbs. 5.7 oz. She is our amazing rainbow baby!!! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PGAL buddy drvst8
  • Attempt to "talk you down".  It honestly would not make you feel any better to blow her out as tempting as that may be.  I do not blame you at all for wanting to though.  Wish that we were all as oblivious about losing a baby as some people get to be!
     Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • oh man Sad ((HUGS))
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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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