
Were you apprehensive...

about your first big purchase after finding out you were having twins?  We started looking DH a bigger vehicle a couple days after finding out and found something today.  We will be signing the paperwork Friday.  This is the fourth vehicle we have bought since we have been together but the first time I have really been nervous.  It isn't more money, just longer amount of time than was left on his truck.  Next is a bigger house but they will likely be here before that happens!  
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Re: Were you apprehensive...

  • I'm still scared to buy big things and my girls are a year old!

    When I was pregnant I was scared to buy things for the babies since I was so scared about losing one or both and then when they were here for a long time I was scared because I was afraid one wouldn't make it. Now I'm scared because to buy things because I'm afraid of financial ruin and not being able to support my children.

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  • This is exactly how I feel!  Like what if something happens? We're stuck.  What if there are tons of medical bills, ahhh.  But it needs to be done.  Feeling them move helps but I will be very glad when they are here and healthy. I am not usually so jumpy!
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  • We were apprehensive about buying their cribs, more out of fear of losing one or both of them than the $ aspect, as our families wound up buying the cribs. Since having them, we hadn't made any large purchases (other than some home repairs that were pretty pricey) until a few months ago when we finally replaced a vehicle with something larger. We had a vehicle with $ still owed on it when the LOs arrived, so we had that to pay off before buying anything else. Our $ pretty much went to diapers, formula, and daycare for a while there. It's good that your monthly payment won't increase -- does the loan you're taking out have a prepayment penalty if you want to pay it off early? That is something we really looked at -- that if we feel like we are in a position to pay the loan off quicker, we didn't want to be penalized.
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I don't know about a prepayment penalty but we'd have to hit the lottery for that lol.
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  • We didn't buy a single thing for the twins until after I was 30 weeks along.  I was super worried about losing one or both and wanted to wait until after 30 weeks when they had a good chance of surviving had I had them early.  We had to buy a minivan, but we waited as long as possible.. I definitely didn't want to be stuck with the minivan if something happened.  Plus, we kinda wanted to wait until the Honda Odyssey was out, but we didn't want to wait until 4 weeks before I was due since it was coming out in Oct 2010!  We ended up getting the van when I was 33 weeks.
  • yes, we bought a larger house and rented out our townhouse!  I was super nervous I would lose the babies and we would be stuck in this big house reminding me everyday about the loss.

    Fortunately everything turned out well, but it's super scary in the early days!

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