Baby Names

Rude reaction to chosen baby names!

My fiance and I were really having a hard time agreeing on names. One night we just hashed it out, got on different web sites and really picked our brains. Once we came up with the names we were so excited. It was almost like our child had became more of a reality.

However, now that I am telling people their names, folks are like, that's dumb or why? Couldn't you figure out something better? And it's like, while I don't need your approval I also don't need you to talk rudely about the names I picked. (I am planning my wedding right now and everyone seems to be in on it so Josh and I are so happy that this is 100% our thing)

The names Evan Robert or

Sydney Denise. 

Re: Rude reaction to chosen baby names!

  • There's nothing wrong with your names, I think they both sound nice.

    Unfortunately you will sometimes get a negative reaction from any name .. Some people hate popular names, others hate classic names...everyone has their own style. 

    I have gotten the same reaction to some of my favorites and I hate to say it but it did make me think twice about some of them, so we're not telling anyone else. 


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  • imagemaddielynn321:
    I think they both sound great together! They are nms but they flow well!

    I agree! This is the number one reason why we won't tell anyone what names we pick ahead of time. I don't really care what anyone else thinks! 

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  • Don't worry about it. If that's what you like then that's what you should name him/her. You can't please everyone all the time.
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  • If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

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  • Like the other posts...this is exactly why I don't share names. People think because you are telling them it is an invitation to give their opinion and it is your baby so their opinion doesn't get to count.

    Both your names are nice and I think you should just celebrate that you and you FI have agreed :) That seems to be the toughest thing :)

  • Ugh people are so rude! Those are both nice names. My MIL talks crap about Owen, which is one of our favorite boy names. Now I'm just not going to tell her anything. So annoying.

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  • I don't see anything wrong with your names; I especially like the name Evan. These aren't names that would be at ALL bad for the child--in fact, I'd say they're much better than a lot of names out there nowadays.

    I would never say something bad about someone's chosen name unless that person specifically asked, like people do on this board. It's like you showing someone the wedding dress you've decided to wear, and them saying "Good lord, that's awful!" or saying you're buying a house in the country and them saying "Why would you want to do something like that?"

    It's your decision, it's not hurting anyone, so they need to shut it.

  • I think they are EXCELLENT names. People are always going to have an opinion or something to say when you go around telling them or announcing it. Everyone always gets used to names they don't prefer once the baby arrives anyways, and it is not their place to give their opinion if you don't ask for it. You shouldn't have to explain "why" either. A lot of people choose names just because they like them, not because they have a special meaning or significance. Sometimes even if you don't ask for an opinion, you will get a weird face or "look" if you share your thoughts. If they are names you both love, stick to your guns and keep it quiet from now on.

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  • Evan Robert is NMS but Sydney Denise is great.

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  • I love the name Sydney!!!  I wouldn't worry about what people are saying and what a lot of nerve they have to critique your babies name. 
  • Your child, your choice - Listen to what people say if you chose to share and then make the decision based on what you and H like, not what others like.

    I wouldn't share my names with others except on a board like this where I know I'm just getting the opinion of strangers and it is worth as much as I care for it to be worth.

    I'd advise you not to share with others and just worry about what you an H like!

  • They are both real names and spelled correctly, I wouldn't worry about what other people say.
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  • I like both fn's, not a fan of Denise (very 80's) but all in all nice names.
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  • I love Evan..  I like Sydney a lot too... great choices   maybe keep them to yourself!
  • While I was reading this I thought you were going to say so crazy, off the wall name(s).. IMO there is nothing wrong with your names..they are "normal" and cute! Im sorry people are so rude.

    DH's family gave us a lot of crap about the names we were coming up with that by the time we found our name we decided not to tell anyone..maybe you should do the same?


  • It has always baffled me how people will ask if you've come up with a name and then when you say it they think it is their job to then tell you their opinion of it.  As if when you meet someone and introduce yourself the other person would say "ew, that's your name?"  Why do they think they can say that about your baby?  Crazy!  We haven't agreed on a name yet.  So when people ask and I tell them we haven't decided they immediately start rattling off suggestions.  Um....I didn't ask you.  Geez!  I am ready to just freaking pick one to shut people up!  BTW.....DS (13 1/2 yrs. old) is named Evan.  Good name!
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  • I don't see anything wrong with them at all.

    The way you worded your post, I was expecting some totally off the wall, you-neek names. You're fine! :)


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  • I too was expecting some awful naming/spelling travesty so I breathed a sigh of relief when I got to the actual names.

    We've only shared our name pick with a few people IRL so I don't have to hear people's unsolicited opinions and advice.

    I'm pretty sure it's pronounced your mom's a moron and if you didn't have your name legally changed by the age of 22, so are you. Unless you're from another continent. -Groomz
  • Tell people to "shove it".  I would tell em that you don't care what they think and you would appreciate them keeping their opinions to themselves.  Oh by the way.  Love the names.
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