My 6 year old and her friends are wanting to dress up. Lately to school, DD has been wanting to wear panty hose, dresses and dress shoes. She is super jealous of her friends who have "high heels." I am not talking about stilettos or anything like that but something like this:
3 questions:
1. Would you allow your 6 year to wear these shoes? I don't think they are that bad.
2. How do these girls wear these when they have PE? Send extra shoes?
3. Do you think allowing DC to wear these = growing up too fast? I'm torn.
Take into account that my DD is the youngest in her class and she is "keeping up with" 7 & 8 year olds. MH attended her Vday party yesterday (he can be clueless) but was "surprised" how big her classmates were. I had to remind him that she is the youngest--he was like, "Oh yeah, that makes sense."
Re: high heels for my 6 year old.....
1. I don't think I'd let my DD wear "heels" to school. To special events or on holidays, I wouldn't care, but not as daily wear. In fact, it makes me a little sad to think that kids that young are wearing heels already. I'm hormonal today and sad enough just thinking of my baby girl starting preschool next year.
2. I would assume they bring extra shoes for PE or maybe just leave extras in their locker - if kids have lockers, they do at our elem school.
3. I think it is growing up too soon. I get that to a six year old they are just cute shoes and what the "cool" girls wear, but peep toe kitten heels in the adult world are sexy. Its a tough call, I don't look forward to it.
I'm down with this style at 5+ y/o:
I think the chunkier heel is more stable and less likely to cause injury. I don't see any reason for DD to wear a slip on pump type shoe until she's closer to 5th/6th grade and then only for concerts/special events.
I would let DD wear them to school if she had a concert or special event, but not every day. I'd probably put her in boots or lower mary janes if she was wearing a dress.
Definitely send extra shoes for PE or dress differently on PE days.
Eh, this is one thing I'm not crazy about. My girls have both asked for shoes similar and so far, I've been able to hold off. (They're 6 and almost 5). For one, they're just not good for their feet and they just seem too old and mature for them. Kids grow up too fast anyway, I'm not going to help it along by buying them high heels at 6.
I'm pretty "eh" about a lot of things, but not heels so much. I will not allow my daughter to wear heels to school, even teeny ones.
Funny you ask this because JUST yesterday my daughters girl "BFF" from school wore heels to school, Alexis said hey were like "dress up shoes" with small heels. Their teacher would NOT allow her to wear them at lunch time because I guess the kids aren't allowed to wear those on the playground. The child brought NO other shoes with her, so the teacher went to he office where there are spare shoes, coats, mittens (etc) if needed but there were only boy shoes. So she wore those to go outside. Her mom was called, per what DD said, and told her they're not school appropriate. So keep in mind some teachers don't really like the little ones in heels. I assume on the playground or whatever, they're more likely to fall and get hurt.
The main reason I wouldn't allow them, though, is because I just think they're not good for their feet at that young of an age.
I would not let my 7 year old wear heels. I still own my first pair of heels and I got them when I was 16 and inducted into the National Honor Society. I know most girls wear them earlier than that but I can't imagine allowing them before my daugthers are in high school.
My FOUR year old has a pair pretty similar to what shouldbeworkin posted. I didn't buy them for her - and I'm not sure that I would have. She doesn't wear them that often precisely because she can't play outside in them. Her preschool isn't that specific - just no flip-flops or crocs, but I keep her out of the dressy ones for schol anyway (she does wear her glittery ballet flats though - but the key word is FLAT). She also has a pair of cowboy boots with a big chunky heel. She likes to be dressy already - I foresee some fights about that in the future.
I haven't paid that much attention to what the first grade girls wear on their feet - I still see lots of sneakers. I have some seen some ridiculous boots walking into the school, on girls older than 6, but it still looks stupid, even on a fourth grader.
I know that our school specifically asks for gym shoes on gym day (which I haven't had to worry about yet, since that's all my son wears). They do have lockers, but I don't know that the teachers would give them time to change - I'm not sure what they do for recess - I suppose they don't have to run around if they don't want to.
That's just crazy to me. Growing up, we didn't even wear heels in high school. We'd wear them to a school dance, and that's it. The shoes are pretty cute, but I'm not sure they're really appropriate for everyday wear for an elementary school student.
We have to send gym shoes every day or leave a pair at school for gym. DD sometimes wears boots or flats to school, so I just make sure she has gym shoes with her on PE days.
I'm completely torn on your situation. On one hand, they're just shoes. It's really just like playing dress up. But on the other hand, it is young girls trying to emulate women. I don't know what I'd do.
Aren't flats still popular? Would she be okay wearing a dressier flat shoe? DD has a pair similar to this that is really cute.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
She is wearing glitterly-bowed Stevie flats today. She has been wearing them a lot. They are adorable but she "wished she had high heels." I have seen her BFF's and they are more like the ones Shouldbeworking posted. I just picked the first pair I saw on payless website.
She has been wanting to wear her "church dresses" a lot which is fine. I remember going through a phase like that. When I pulled out her jean leggings and Tangled shirt she said, "no way, I wanna look cute" and she picked out her KG first day of school dress, off white tights, a cute pink sweater and it all looked great.
One of her "BFFs" mom works in a salon and they are really into "fashion girls" right now. I think part of it is that. Her mom is really into fashion and DD has ALWAYS hated jeans.
I kinda think if I let her wear them once, she'd realize how uncomfortable they are but I may be wrong....
Off to a meeting and to take DD to the dentist (lookin "cute")
I think those look so grown up to me, so I'm really sure I would let her.
But I did get these for Sarah to wear, did not think they were too grown up.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I wouldn't. Definitely not in our school. Our elem. school that I teach at has two floors---and I don't care how careful kids are, at dismal and arriving they are charging up the stairs. (or down.) It would be a safety issue. In gym, they don't have time to change there shoes--so they have to wear sneakers are gym day.
Plus, some of students (just on picture day) had fancy shoes like that--and by the end of the day I had to run to the nurse's for extra bandaids. Their feet were hurting and the kids were complaining.
My 7 year old has a pair of heels - they were hand me downs from a cousin. I would NOT have bought them. But she loves them and wears them around the house with either dress up clothes or her fancy Christmas dresses. She knows she is absolutely not allowed to wear them outside the house. And she knows why too.... heels are not for little girls.
Wearing them to school would definitely be out too.... But if she's going to, I would not let her wear them on PE days.