Food Allergy

I don't think I'm cut out for this (vent)

I have decided that I am not cut out to be the mother of a child allergic to foods. I think I could do cats, probably wouldn't have a problem with dryer sheets, but food is not working out. Her eczema is back. I noticed a few spots on her face, which is usually the first place to break out but saw her scratching and discovered that it is all over her legs again (first time since July). I know we have been letting her slide a little bit with the dairy Sad but I figured it was no more than usual. Apparently I was wrong. Or her allergies are getting worse, if that's even possible. In addition to that, she had soup at church on Saturday and it did not even register to me until Sunday (when her 'solid' diaper was anything but 'solid') that the reason I don't make that kind of soup for her, even though she inhaled it, was because she's allergic to the freaking egg noodles. We're still dealing with the ramifications of that too. I keep telling myself that it should not be so hard to work with these allergies. How hard can it really be to prepare a meat, veggie and fruit without dairy, eggs, or peanuts?!?! And then we throw in the picky toddler aspect. She won't eat veggies. Broccoli once in awhile, and white potatoes. That's it. She won't eat fruit. Not applesauce, not bananas, definitely no berries. She will usually eat meat but this week ham and pork chops were a no go. Come to think of it, she wouldn't eat the chicken breast either. Really, how long does she expect to live on Ritz crackers, cocktail smokies and 1/2 cup of VFusion?!?! And even though she is generally a happy baby, if she is hungry she cries, clings and just in general is miserable. I'm just so tired of spending money on food, and time preparing food only to find out that she has no interest. And of course my older DD loves fruits, veggies and dairy, so even taking DH and I out of the equation, I'm making multiple meals. I feel like I am counting down until she is 5 with the hopes that she is going to outgrow the allergies. Thanks for letting me vent. I need to head to bed now and then I guess tomorrow I need to kick into overdrive with the research and planning.
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Re: I don't think I'm cut out for this (vent)

  • {hugs}  Allergies suck.  They are exhausting and time consuming and I hate that we have to think about this stuff.  Vent away - sometimes you just have to let it out!

    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

    DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

    DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

  • Yes I agree allergies suck but I always tell myself that things could be alot worse.  I count my blessings that DS just gets colds and has bathroom issues from his food allergy....not a scary health condition that won't improve or could take his life.  DS's allergies are dairy, beef, egg whites, peanuts, wheat and gluten so I understand how unfair life can be.  DS would do back flips if he could have a ritz cracker b/c he used to live off gold fish.  Just keep pushing meats, fruits, and veggies.  If they are hungry they will eat, right????
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  • My daughter has started pushing away veggies lately.  In order to get them in her diet, I have been finding ways to hide them in foods I know she will eat. 

    Such as spinach muffins:

    Spinach Cake Muffins


    Or green smoothies. 

    Allergies are very frustrating, but like the PP said, if you look at things in perspective, it could be so much worse.  I have to remind myself that a lot.

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  • Dealing with food allergies is really hard.  I know I've had slip-ups.  It gets better, you need to forgive yourself.  And you can do this.  (((hugs)))  Hang in there.

  • It is really hard.  I just try to look at the positive though.  Like think of all the things that she can have.  

    My DS can have 8 foods now.  We started his journey with EoE with 0 foods.  We are done with food trials now and we have found 8 foods that he can have.  I just try to get creative with those foods.  I have found ways to make cookies, bread, a casserole, fries, etc.  Of course they aren't what you and I would consider cookies , bread, casserole and fries, but he loves them and that is what they are to him.  

    When I get down about all his limitations, I try to remind myself that it is just food.  Sure we need it to survive, but it doesn't take much for that.  We have tried to replace the food aspect of certain traditions with non food things.  I hope this makes sense.  

    Good luck on finding some things that work for you and your daughter.  It is challenging, but I am sure you will be able to do it!! 

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