I'm hoping for a VBAC! I'm having some BP issues and doing a 24 hour urine collection tomorrow and blood test to see how serious it is. I'm hoping it's not serious and we can keep going on with our plan (waiting for LO to come on his own). BUT my midwife warned that if my BP continues to go up and things get worse, they may have to induce me. They will not induce with pitocin, which I knew from the start. She said however they will try a foley balloon. The thought of any induction just makes me so nervous b/c I know it can easily not work and I don't want another C.
Please share your experience with a vbac foley induction if you had one! TIA
Re: foley balloon induction success stories?
Here is my story. It was great. I did get a epi before the procedure. All the nursing and ob staff raved about how effective a procedure it is. GL!