Cloth Diapering

Morning pooper - new to CDing

I am starting to CD just overnight due to my super soaker son. I just purchased BG 4.0s and babykicks inserts. Am I missing anything?

On to my question....I understand that the pee is absorbed into the insert but what about the poop? My son always has a morning "turd" which I assume happens right when he wakes up. It won't be there long but will that harm the insert/diaper? His bum?

Can you tell I'm new? lol. 

Re: Morning pooper - new to CDing

  • My daughter does the same thing. 75% of the time a poop greets me first thing in the morning. Nothing would happen to his diaper any differently than any other poop. It will stay on top of the diaper and you will have to flush it. His bum will get a little red or irritated though if he is in the poop for any period of time though.

    Just put some CD friendly cream on his bum when you put him to bed, and protect the diaper with a disposable liner, or a piece of fleece. It will protect from the cream, and reduce staining from the poop.

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  • diapers are made for poop, he'll be fine lol. My 6 month old girl has very recently began greeting me with the morning poop. No idea when in the night this happens as she sleeps through the night, but no diaper rash. I would suggest the same thing - use a little cream to protect to bum and a liner to protect the diaper
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