My dad has grey eyes but I didnt get grey eyes and got light brown eyes instead. My husband has dark brown eyes. Since Hubby and I have brown eyes more than likely my babies eyes would be brown too right? I guess, I have some hopes, for some odd reason that my baby would have grey eyes and maybe I have a little bit of it in me. haha I know sound silly.
Re: baby eye color...
Try this!
It's pretty fun and gives you the odds of different eye colors!
Thats pretty cool!
What a neat website!! My husband and I have 100% chance of having children with blue eyes!! We already have 2 with blue eyes! So number 3 is guaranteed! It's nice that there are so many shades of blue though.
My dad has gray eyes too, but that wasn't an option on the test so blue it is. My daughter inherited his grayish eyes. Beautiful.
thanks all! that was a cool website!
I have blue/green eyes, Dh has brown, DS has blue
on my side my mom, dad, grandma's have brown and grandps on both side have blue.
on DH side DH, his mom and dad, both grandparents on his dads side, and his grandma on moms side have brown, BUT his grandpa on his moms side has blue..
So I guess you never know!
my read shelf:
We always joked that we were guaranteed a brown eyed child and DS#1 delivered. The website gave us .1% chance of blue eyes...guess what DH always jokes that he doesn't know who his real father is.
TOO FUNNY! baby has nice blue eyes! so cute!!!! i guess we'll never know.