Austin Babies

might be a repeat question, but what do you do if your kid asks

"can I touch your boobies?"

I try not to change in front of the boys anymore because all Spence wants to do is pinch my butt and grab my boobs.  He's one of those grabby drunk frat guys.  WTF?!

So, anyway, I don't let him touch but is that weird?  I don't make a big deal out of it, I just tell him "no" and tell him to go away (this is if he catches me changing, which is rare).  I know that Jay has been letting the boys go in the bathroom with him so they'll see that they should be standing up to pee-and that has totally worked with Spencer-but I don't think they've asked to grab his penis.

Anyway, what would you do if your ~3-year-old kid asked to touch your boobies?

Re: might be a repeat question, but what do you do if your kid asks

  • Layna asks sometimes.  I usually laugh and she'll reach out and pat them.  I never thought anything of it, she's just curious.  She's also my daughter, its different with boys.

    Jakob never asked.  He never really looked, either.  I stopped changing in front of him when he was like 4.5 and that really just because we had just moved in with DH and I thought it was a good time to start implementing a ::knock first:: policy.  

    So, no its not weird.  Its totally normal, kids are curious.  I think you're response was normal and fine.  Toddlers aren't going to be scarred by seeing mom naked nor are they deprived because you didn't let them touch :)

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  • I say, "Sure, but be gentle. You should always be gentle with boobies."

    But like Ali said, I think it's different with girls? maybe? 

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  • I think I'd just say no, and tell him that those are private parts or something like that. I don't think it's weird for them to ask and it definitely isn't weird to start teaching about boundaries.
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  • Kate sometimes wants to stick her hand down my shirt when she's really tired.  Eh, it doesn't bother me.  Boobs were a big source of comfort to her for a long time.  Now, DH doesn't change in front of her or anything so we haven't had to deal with her being curious about boy parts.  If she was asking about that, it would be time for the boundaries/ private areas talk.  Boobs are just in a different category to me than genitals.
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  • my 3yo boy has asked and I've just said "No, they're private".  He also asks to see and touch my butt and I deny that request as well.  lol
  • I do think the sex of the child matters.  I'll stop changing in front of DS in another year or so, I think, but don't care if DD sees me naked forever (or until she's old enough to want to die at the thought of seeing me naked.)  DS hasn't asked that, specifically, but we do talk about how those parts are private.  So much so that he says "daddy has a penis.  Mommy has a privacy."  LOL.

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  • Alex doesn't ask. He just grabs, usually in public, and then very loudly exclaims, "I WUB BOOBS!"

    Then I look around in embarrassment as I remove his hands from my chest and say "Yes, they're pretty fantastic. Keep your hands to yourself."

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