Cloth Diapering

convert velcro to snaps

Does anyone know of a company or individual who will convert my diapers for me?  I found one website online but i'd like to do some comparasons for price/quality.  I'm so NOT crafty or else i'd do it myself but I would def mess them up! :)  Thanks!
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Re: convert velcro to snaps

  • I have a wahm who is currently doing 13 of my diapers from velcro to snaps.  I live in AZ and not sure if you are wanting to ship them...  Let me know if you want any prices.
    BabyName Ticker
  • Check out diaperswappers, I had some converted by a mom on there and I think there was recently a post on this in one of their forums (diaper chat or something along those lines).
    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
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