Hi ladies,
My name is Amanda. I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with di/di twins via IVF and have been lurking on this board since i found out we were having twins at 7 weeks. I've learned so much from you ladies by just reading your post, so I thought this may be a good time to introduce myself and ask a question.
Up until yesterday, I was lucky enough to have a very uneventful pregnancy. I was still working 12 hr shifts as a nurse with no complications. At my MFM appt yesterday, we found out that my cervical length had gone from 3.7cm to 1.6cm in 3 weeks. The MFM took me out of work and told me that I don't need to stay in bed, but to stay off my feet. We'll recheck in one week and if it gets to 1.0 or lower, I'll have to be hospitalized. I know from my experience as a L&D nurse that I could still go on to carry full term babies, however, I also know that they could decide to come at any time. I guess I'm just looking for anyone with personal experience to share with me. I haven't had any other complications. Both babies looked great yesterday. Baby A measured in at 2lbs 14oz and B measured 2lbs 11oz.
I appreciate any advice/experience you can share with me! Looks like i'll have plenty of time to bump now and not just lurk!
Re: Question from a lurker
My cervix shortened to 2.4 cm by 20 weeks. I was on modified bedrest until I went into PTL at 31 weeks. My cervix shortened to around 1 cm and I was dilated 3 cm. I went on hospital bedrest for 3 weeks until they would no longer stop labor. I still made it to 36w2d when my water broke. My babies came out healthy with no NICU time.
Congrats on an uneventful pregnancy this far. Hopefully if you take it easy and stay off your feet, the babies will stay put for awhile longer.
First of all congrats for being in the home stretch! I will say, your doc is not quite as cautious as mine was. My doc pulled me from work and put me on bedrest at 33 weeks when my cervix was measuring 2.2cm. Luckily, he let me go off bedrest at 36 weeks, and I did end up getting induced at 38+4.
My advice, just stay off your feet as much as possible! Good luck, and welcome
Make it a Double
Thanks ladies! Very encouraging! i'm def staying off my feet as much as possible, and hopefully next week my cervix will be around the same (or better)!
Photo by Melissa Glynn
After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
Baby Girl #3!
My OB told me the same thing.. Gravity is not your friend. I was put on bed rest around 24 weeks and I delivered my girls at 36 weeks. I was allowed to get up to go to the bathroom and go from the bed to the couch in the morning and back to bed at night. Sounds like you are in good hands and are doing what you should be so GL and hopefully you keep those babies cooking for a little while longer.