Austin Babies

petty vent re: valentines from preschool

I know this is going to sound petty, but it really frustrated me today.  Every valentine that D received in his bag today from school (with the exception of one from a friend of mine) included candy.  Luckily he didn't know what was in the bag, so I removed all the candy from the cards in the car.  I ended up with 9 lollipops, conversation hearts, and some Dove chocolates.  Why is it that everyone gives candy?  I'm not saying that they had to go through the trouble of making crayon hearts like I did, but there are other options out there.  I might give him one lollipop, but will probably throw the rest away.  I do have to admit though, this very preggo mama will enjoy the Dove chocolates ;)

Ok, vent over.  

Re: petty vent re: valentines from preschool

  • Hmph.  Well, good thing D doesn't go to school w/ my boys!  ;)  The valentine's I made have little chocolate hearts inside them (and stickers). 

    I was going to stuff the valentine's with a small toy, but with 2-3 year olds, I was worried about a) choking hazards b) losing it before they had a chance to play with it and c) their parents being annoyed by getting another small toy.  So chocolate it was!  

  • I can see what you are saying...but possibly because that is a popular opinion on the board. If it weren't for being exposed to those opinions on here I'd likely be guilty of gifting candy as well even though I'd throw out most of DD received...Valentine's, Easter and Halloween (and well...Christmas too) are all candy heavy holidays. On Dec 26th we are already being hit with all of the Valentine stuff with at least an entire aisle at the stores dedicated to candy.

    I'm thankful to have a wide variety of opinions on here to help broaden my thinking!

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  • I hear ya!  Maybe the senders of the chocolate really meant it for mama's consumption.  :)

    Thankfully, our preschool is a "no candy" school.  My kindergartner didn't even take candy.  I've helped in that class and those kids do not need any more sugar.  I would probably lose my mind on a daily basis if I were his teacher.  We throw plenty of candy away from other events.  I never realized as a child how much candy is acquired throughout the year.  Maybe my parents ate it and threw the rest away like we do.

  • We did chocolate too. I figured it's a special occasion, why not. The teachers won't let them eat any of it at school and the parents can eat it/throw it away if they want.

    DD's party is tomorrow, but I'll put all the candy in a candy bag that I have and let her have a piece occasionally. Luckily there are only 5 kids in DD's class.
  • I am guilty of sending candy valentines. I really wanted to make the heart crayons, but I am waaaaay too busy and ended up picking up a little kit at Target. It came with suckers that you stick through the card. Without the suckers, I would look even more cheap, because there would be two punch holes in the valentine. I did not see too many options in the kits that did not include some sort of candy.
  • ::shrugs:: I just think V-day is a "candy" type holiday.  I gave m&ms, along with bouncy balls, a heart straw, and stickers.  Hope I didn't piss any other moms off, but they all included some candy in with all their stuff too.  I thought candy on v-day was kind of understood.  If you don't want him to have it, just don't give it to him.  I gave S one lolli pop and I'll save the rest for treats (pting, etc).
  • I'm surprised they allowed candy. Our preschool has a no-candy rule.
  • Another candy giver, checking in. Nachotaffy made some ADORABLE valentines for us, each w/ 3 small Reese's cups.

    We use it as a lesson in moderation. Jack still has candy from Halloween (and he didn't go to many houses, just up to the top of our one sided street) and some from his Christmas stocking. He keeps in it a bag in the pantry and, when he wants (asks for) a treat, he's allowed to go in and pick one. 

  • imagebrideonjuly8:
    ::shrugs:: I just think V-day is a "candy" type holiday.   I thought candy on v-day was kind of understood.  If you don't want him to have it, just don't give it to him.

    ditto this

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  • imagelyndamf:

    I know this is going to sound petty, but it really frustrated me today.  Every valentine that D received in his bag today from school (with the exception of one from a friend of mine) included candy.  Luckily he didn't know what was in the bag, so I removed all the candy from the cards in the car.  I ended up with 9 lollipops, conversation hearts, and some Dove chocolates.  Why is it that everyone gives candy?  I'm not saying that they had to go through the trouble of making crayon hearts like I did, but there are other options out there.  I might give him one lollipop, but will probably throw the rest away.  I do have to admit though, this very preggo mama will enjoy the Dove chocolates ;)

    Ok, vent over.  

    I feel the same as you.  I'm not mad at any moms just really suprised. There are always 'special' occasions--birthdays,holidays,etc and candy always is involved. I was really suprised when one of my best friends had a candy table at her sons bday party. It was a huge spread! Really!?? I love her but her kids don't need that much sugar. They are wild enough on their own. As is my dd.

    Vent over:). Just wanted you to know I am with you on this.  

    09/21/09 and 08/16/2011 image
  • If your annoyed now, just wait until they get to Kinder and up!  UGH!  This is a HUGE frustration of mine right now.  I used to feel the same way as most the PP on this thread.  It's only a few times a year, use it as a moderation teaching tool, etc.  However now that #1 is in Kinder I swear she is being given cookies/candy or some other junk food at least once a week.  It is pissing me off! 


    sorry I didn't mean to take over you post. I'm just very annoyed at it right now.

  • imageBLONDIE6FT:

    I feel the same as you.  I'm not mad at any moms just really suprised. There are always 'special' occasions--birthdays,holidays,etc and candy always is involved. I was really suprised when one of my best friends had a candy table at her sons bday party. It was a huge spread! Really!?? I love her but her kids don't need that much sugar. They are wild enough on their own. As is my dd.

    Vent over:). Just wanted you to know I am with you on this.  

    I was just pinning candy table ideas for DD's 3rd birthday..I figured it would be a big hit with the kids and parents. Embarrassed
  • imagebobcatsteph:

    I feel the same as you.  I'm not mad at any moms just really suprised. There are always 'special' occasions--birthdays,holidays,etc and candy always is involved. I was really suprised when one of my best friends had a candy table at her sons bday party. It was a huge spread! Really!?? I love her but her kids don't need that much sugar. They are wild enough on their own. As is my dd.

    Vent over:). Just wanted you to know I am with you on this.  

    I was just pinning candy table ideas for DD's 3rd birthday..I figured it would be a big hit with the kids and parents. Embarrassed

    but i may be in the minority? i don't know. i still love my best friend, but ugh. it was not as big a deal for my dd, because she didn't really know what it was at that point(she was not quite 2 at the time), but the other kids were going crazy. and that was before they had all that sugar lol !

    we are also the kind of family that aren't big on presents for birthdays, xmas, etc--again in the minority. there seem to be alot of moms on the board that are a-ok with all the candy. and you can't please everyone, right? someone is always going to have an opinion.

    09/21/09 and 08/16/2011 image
  • I know at some point it's going to get bad and that's why I don't think it should happen at this age.   They had a party as well which already consisted of enough sugar and treats.   I think I was just more surprised than anything that almost all the others gave some kind of candy, especially so many lollipops.  Stickers, a straw, pencil, fruit snacks  anything would have been better.  We do everything in moderation with D so that he doesn't get out of control when he eats something with sugar, but I think 2-3 is a little young for a bag full of candy. 

    But it's good to hear everyone's opinion and I'm glad there's at least a few that agree with me.  I wish D attended a no sugar school.  I may look into that since we are switching schools for next year.

    IMO, I think a candy table would be a hit with kids, but not with this parent. 

  • While I do try to control the amount of sugar DD has overall (no different than controlling fast food, in my opinion), it doesn't bother me for her to have cookies and/or candy, particularly when it's a birthday or a holiday.  Our school just asked that we reduce the amount of sugar for birthdays and holidays, and I respect that (we were always the ones to bring goldfish or fruit anyway since there was always an overabundance of candy or cookies), even though I don't have an issue with treats in general. 

    I made crayon hearts and little coloring books and signed up for the apple slices. I'm sure she's going to bring candy home, and I'll just add it to the bag in the cabinet.  She usually forgets about it shortly after the holiday anyway.

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  • imagemcurban:

    .. each w/ 3 small Reese's cups.

    This is not to be snarky by any means, but is their preschool not a peanut-free environment?

  • imagebrideonjuly8:
    ::shrugs:: I just think V-day is a "candy" type holiday.  I gave m&ms, along with bouncy balls, a heart straw, and stickers.  Hope I didn't piss any other moms off, but they all included some candy in with all their stuff too.  I thought candy on v-day was kind of understood.  If you don't want him to have it, just don't give it to him.  I gave S one lolli pop and I'll save the rest for treats (pting, etc).

    I agree.  When it comes to V-Day and Halloween, I just assume my kids are going to get candy.  Meaning, *I* get candy.  Wink  

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  • imagendluvsrk:

    .. each w/ 3 small Reese's cups.

    This is not to be snarky by any means, but is their preschool not a peanut-free environment?

    I almost crapped my pants reading about Reese's as a gift too. I hate that I'm one of "those" moms now, but I am.

    But otherwise, I grew up with chocolate or suckers in my valentines mailbox. Those were the best. My fav was always the lifesaver train.
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  • imageTaytee:

    .. each w/ 3 small Reese's cups.

    This is not to be snarky by any means, but is their preschool not a peanut-free environment?

    I almost crapped my pants reading about Reese's as a gift too. I hate that I'm one of "those" moms now, but I am.

    But otherwise, I grew up with chocolate or suckers in my valentines mailbox. Those were the best. My fav was always the lifesaver train.

    Good question. It's actually done by class at their school. They eat in their rooms and the only two places where the kids share a space are a) chapel and b) playground and both of these happen before lunch for all classes.

    For Jack's class, they only host one set of kids (T,W,Th) and there are no peanut allergies, so we have been told that they can have nut products. For T's class, there are no peanut allergies (I told them about Tommy's brief topical rash, but let them know that he has since had peanut products) in HIS class, but there are in the M,W class that share the space. So, we keep nut products out of that room. 

    ETA: I should add that nachotaffy, of course, offered a nut free alternative. 

  • We bought packs of Valentine-themed pencils in the $ spot at Target and taped those to Meredith's cards.
  • As per the candy issue in general, I really don't think it's that big of a deal. I deal with it the way I deal with Halloween. Ben gets 1 piece of candy and then it goes into a "goody" container. He can have a piece every now and then. Usually he just forgets about it. Valentine's is a candy holiday. I agree w/ bride.
  • Another candy giver here.  We did the "Bear hugs" thing floating around on pinterest--a small mix of teddy grahams and gummy bears, with a hershey's hug thrown in. 

    I agree that it's a candy holiday.  My kids will get it in moderation, and DD loved making the special treat bags for her friends.  

  • I don't like to give candy yet because I agree that 2-3 is too young for candy.  But, I know (at least now because I was super bummed/surprised when L got a ton of candy for Halloween when he was in the infant room--the infant room!) that many parents don't feel the same as I do, so I am prepared.  I am giving pencils.  I didn't have the energy to make valentine's like some of you did, so I found a woody/buzz kit that came with pencils.

    Anyway, I also don't like to get candy because I don't like to have that battle with him.  I feel he will get my sweet tooth, and I hope to put that off for as long as I can.

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  • DS won't even go to school tomorrow because I don't want him exposed to all the junk.  I'm with you L, there are better ways to reward kids than food.
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