Late Term and Child Loss

Prayer Request Check-In 2/13/12

For those new (and lurking) on the board, every Monday we have a prayer request check-in. It's open to everyone (religious, spiritual, whatever) and all religions. Even if you're not religious/spiritual but would like people to keep you in their thoughts, we'll do that as well.

You can post your prayer request (for you, family, friends, or just anyone really) and a praise report (What happened that was good? A new job? A good doctor's appointment? Even getting out of bed is worthy to be praised!).

We all take turns leading and sometimes share scripture. If there's a scripture you want to share, please post it! 

Today's scripture comes from the book of Philippians 4:6:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  

 This is a particularly powerful verse because sometimes we all can get so overwhelmed with everything. Will I have enough money? What if we lose our jobs? What about my health?  Will I'll be able to carry another healthy pregnancy? Will I have a rainbow baby? 

Prayer Requests:

careyalis:   I'm praying your student has a successful operation tomorrow.Please keep us updated.  I also hope you and DH have some more time with Avery as you prepare for her arrival. Please know she loves you and DH and would only want the best for her. Also, please let us know how your friend Kara and her son is doing. For those who missed it last week, Kara's son was born with trisomy 13.

johnnys june: I can only imagine how hard PgAL is on your body and mind. Please relax as much as you can. Your baby is in good hands with you and DH and any decision you make re your little girl is out of love. 

frogs: I pray for your strength and comfort as your twins' EDD is approaching. I also pray you're able to visit your sweet nephew in the hospital or whenever you're ready. 

irichmond:  My heart is absolutely broken upon hearing the news of your puppy. Your DH said it best when he mentioned baby Gary now has a puppy in heaven. I pray that you and DH lean on to each other as you face another major milestone (EDD)

LuckEinLuv: I also pray for your strength as you face your EDD. I also hope your DH will take you away somewhere and you two focus on each other. 

 ally2011: I pray you are able to work through your grief. Don't rush the grieving process or feel you should have reacted more strongly than you are. Everyone grieves differently and there is no textbook on grieving.  I also love the Bible verse you shared last week! 

sockmonkeysam: There are no words that can truly convey the sorrow I'm feeling for you. i'll continue to pray for your healing and peace as you grieve. 

figgs: I also pray for your healing and peace. Please know you're among friends here and we all support each other. Never feel you don't have a voice here. Vent, laugh, cry, do whatever. We're all here for you. 

New BLMs (Baby Loss Moms) and lurkers: I pray for you as you find healing and strength. Although you may not feel strong and you feel like you can't go on, you are a powerful spirit. Your child(ren) are watching over you and rooting you on.  Please remember that just getting out of bed is considered a good day. 

Now it's time for prayer requests and praise reports. I like my veggies before my dessert:

 Prayer Requests: DH and I keep going back and forth on when to start trying again. We originally planned for next month than we pushed it back to later this spring and now we're talking summer. DH wants to travel and do other things before we start trying again and while I think that's a great idea, I also getting antsy. My biological clock never ticked so loud ever. 

Praise Reports: We have received some donations and support for our March for Babies walk in honor of Ethan. Yey!  

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Re: Prayer Request Check-In 2/13/12

  • I guess my prayer request will be for myself this week. I'm struggling right now I found out last week that I may not be ovulating and I have recently scheduled an appointment with my RE but I am hoping secretly that I can conceive on my own like the other times in the past. We started the process and were able to get pregnant on our own. Of course I wasn't almost 39 the other times. I guess my prayer is simple that my body allows me to ovulate this month so we can have a fair shot at TTC again on our own with out medical intervention. I have never had this kind of issue. So I am praying god hears me once again and spares me more heart ache I can't take much more.

    TIA- Heather


    DS- Brenden born 11/13/93 Missed miscarriage on March 6, 2007 @ 9 weeks D&C on March 8th 2007. Riley Annalise born 2/25/08 ( 3 weeks early weighing 8 lbs 12.8 oz.) Chemical pregnancy 3/2010. Sydney Adriana born sleeping on 9/30/11 weighing 10lbs 3 oz at 38wks 4 days. Trinity Alivia born via c section at 36 wks 4 days weighing 9 lbs. 5.7 oz. She is our amazing rainbow baby!!! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PGAL buddy drvst8
  • Thanks Crystal!  Baby Dalton is doing great!  He has been home ever since a couple of days after his heart surgery and is thriving.  Unfortunately, Kara had to go back into the hospital for a couple of days.  She was having an adverse reaction to her medications and became really ill.  Thankfully, they figured out the cause and she is now home with her husband and son. 

    Ben (the boy with leukemia) is in an awesome mental state for his upcoming surgery.  I have all of the confidence that he is going to beat this thing.  He told his parents that he was ready to "kick its ass" the other day and they said that usually he would get in trouble for that kind of language, but they just told him to get in there and kick it :)  I will update with whatever I find out after his surgery.

    Prayer request:  I am carrying an extremely excessive amount of amniotic fluid and it has gotten to the point that I am having trouble eating and breathing because there is simply no room left.  I have to get an amniotic reduction later in the week--most likely Friday.  I know the benefits outweigh the risks, but there is about a 5% chance of it causing immediate labor or placental abruption.  Avery has a better chance of surviving  the actual birth with every extra day that I can carry her, and I am not ready to have her yet.  I so badly want to hold her while she is still alive and I don't think that will happen if I deliver her now.  Please pray for my procedure to go well and for our time with Avery to be stretched as far as possible.

    Praise report:  I knew that a few of our friends were coming to mass with us yesterday and taking us to brunch to show there support for Avery.  I was floored at the amount of people that showed up.  We had people drive in all the way from Florida and North Carolina just to be with us.  I have never felt more loved in my life and I am so very humbled.  They made us a book with letters to us and Avery from all of our family and friends and it is something that I will always cherish.  They also all chipped in and got us alot of giftcards for dinners and stuff.  It was so special and perfect.

    My angel Avery- 2/16/12, My rainbow Blake= 3/4/13, Joyfully awaiting #3 5/11/15
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  • Prayer Request:

    Please pray for patience and strength for me to get through the rest of the school year. I started work today and it was really tough because I just kept thinking that the last day I was there was the day I went into labor and had the babies. I had to deal with all of the firsts...and then try to have a fake smile on all day for the kids, their parents and my collegues. Also, although my sub did a wonderful job, my class is very disrespectful, whiny, and unruly. They were like this in August and it took me about 6 weeks to train them but they've reverted back to their old selves. I'm nervous that I won't have the patience I need to get through the rest of the school year and teach them everything they need to know in first grade. I was starting to panic today when I realized all of the work I have to do...get the room organized, figure out where we are in each unit for planning purposes, re-teach the class how to be respectful to me and to each other, deal with parent and administrative demands, give assessments for report cards that are due in a few weeks, and still deal with questions like, "how are the babies?" from people who somehow still don't know. I feel so anxious and stressed right now. 

     Praise report:

    We are officially cleared by the high risk Dr. to TTC! We're giving it a couple of months on our own and will call the RE in May or June.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    IVF #1 BFP b/g twins!; loss at 23 weeks due to I.C. and PTL. IVF #2 BFP 5/26/12; due date 2/6/13; TAC surgery 7/20/12, blessed with another girl & boy! 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thank you, Foxxy.  It feels like it's been one thing after another for the last three months and we're starting to wonder if our luck will ever turn around.

    Prayer request: Praying for my DH this week.  He's been so strong and holding things together for me ever since we lost baby Gary, but having to make the decision to put the puppy down has really taken a toll on him.  I pray that he understands that he did what was best for the puppy and that he can't feel guilty for not trying to treat his illness.  I pray that he begins to forgive himself for not being able to stop our pain.

    Praise: The principal at my school won Principal of the Year for the state of RI!  We're so proud of her and lucky to have such a supportive leader in our building!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • Still needing prayers for my friends and their little boy.  Just found out my friend had to have a d&c last night.  Their son is doing well considering age but it hasn't been without challenges.  The doctors have already told them their son will be in the NICU until at least her EDD (May18).  Her parents were here for her for over a month but returned home (12 hours away) yesterday and she's having a difficult time with them being gone. 

    Hoping for prayers for myself that I can continue the grieving process without too many set backs.  This past week was a week of big steps for me and I hope I can continue.

    Praise: It's been less than a week since my husband and I signed up to do the March for Babies and we've already received over half of our donation goal.  Also, my husband and I are going to our tattoo consultation tomorrow to begin the process of getting our memorial tattoos.  We're super excited!


    In memory of Corbin Scott 10/28/11-12/3/11. Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind Heaven got a little better the day it took you away from me Missing you tonight, see you again sometime For now I'll close my eyes and dream of heaven tonight I'll love you forever I'll like you for always Now and Forever My baby you'll be

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers







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