No worries! I'm doing much, much better. Thanks for asking. I continued to massage, took hot showers and used the heating pad like crazy. That in addition to feeding DD as much as I could and pump often, really helped unclog the ducts. Now that I'm feeling better, I can't believe just how bad I felt. My supply really took a hit though, which sucks because it was already so bad. So, now I'm trying to get it back up again. Any tips? Definitely learned my lesson and I'm being really good now about just pumping when I need to at work. I don't want to go through that again!
I would say just keep feeding and pumping. I was dumb enough to get another clogged duct when I waited 6 hours to pump. Luckily it didn't go further than that but it will teach me not to procrastinate. As far as getting your supply up, have you tried the mother's milk tea/fenugreek/oatmeal etc? I also noticed that if I drink lots of water (as in >120 oz), I make much more milk. Otherwise, It sounds like you're doing the right thing!
Re: ***ducky07**