1. Ellie and the constant having to pee - I asked the pedi about it at Clayton's 1 month appt and she said that is a really common thing when a toddler is constipated. We had already noticed she has been skipping a day or 2 in between poops and have increased her fruits. The pedi said the pressure on their bowels also is hitting the bladder and can make them confused thinking they have to pee. So I am happy that it is not an attention-type thing, but wanted to let you guys know in case anyone runs in to that in the future as well.
2. Clayton - she definitely thinks he has reflux. Prescribed him Zantac. DH is warry about giving him anything, but has agreed to give it a try for a week and then we will re-assess. The pedi said that unlike adult reflux, it isn't actually harming his throat (that was what I was worried about not treating), so that if we don't treat we aren't doing harm to him. But that it is uncomfortable - hence the screaming. We started last night - had an absolutely awful night. He cried for 3 hours - not straight, but anytime I stopped burping him. I was worried it was a med side effect. But today he had the best day yet - slept a ton and seemed happy for the most part while awake. So fingers crossed....
Oh and he is 11 pounds now, holy cow!
3. My tooth - Thanks for the responses. It is hard for me physically with the pain, but emotionally as well bc honestly I am really mad at the dentist that originally did the filling. I originally had an appointment for a root canal Feb 20 with an endodontic practice, but called and asked to be called if anyone cancelled before that. So my new appt is to go this Monday and I am so scared! But maybe this will put it behind me for good. Of course now I have to either go back to my original dentist (not the one I am mad at, but the one I left bc he isn't preferred on my insurance) which my mom made me feel like it would be akward since I left?? or find a new dentist (which freaks me out given my experience last time) because a general dentist needs to put on the crown in a couple weeks. Ugh, stupid tooth.
Re: My Whine Update
Sorry to hear you've got so much going on!
With the constipation - both my girls have always had constipation issues. I give my kids PediaLax fiber gummies every single day, otherwise they have issues. I also use benefiber at times. Just make sure if you give them fiber (gummies, benefiber, etc) that they are getting plenty of fluids at the same time. If DD doesn't go every single day, it means we're in trouble..
Nest Bio ~ ~ Baby Food Blog
1) I am kinda glad you posted this...We are working on potty training and K has been also skipping a day going #2 and maybe this is why she's been asking to go to the potty a million times today without doing anything.
2) I really hope the meds work and help Clayton!
3) What endodontist are you seeing? Sorry to hear that your tooth flared up after having a filling. Unfortunately sometimes it happens after a filling... especially a deep filling. Tooth nerves are tricky things... sometimes they are just on the verge of dying based on the decay (cavity) and a filling just kind of pushes it over the edge. That doesn't mean you shouldn't get a filling, because I would say most of the time it's ok... but it does happen in rare cases that the nerve gets upset after. It sucks and I hate when I see patients go through it as well. Fortunately, it doesn't happen too often. In terms of someone doing the crown.... Not sure if I would really be insulted if a patient came back to me after having work done somewhere else... Especially if you just said "I went somewhere else because of my insurance" I personally would understand that and I wouldn't be insulted. If you do feel uncomfortable and need a rec for a dentist in Rochester... I have a colleague that I work with that also works in Rochester that I would recommend. I see a lot of his patients and his work is good. He also has done crowns on a few of my coworkers. Just let me know if your interested I'll PM you his info.
Huzzy - that would be great, I would appreciate it. I have delta dental that has a list of dentists they cover so I can look and see if they are on there.
I was told the filling was deep. It's more that this has been giving me problems now since it was filled 7 months ago. I have had other fillings that were normal experiences with minimal pain. I had no pain at all going in for the filling. During the filling, she tried several times to get me numb and it didn't work. Then I had to go back 4 times to get it sanded/shaved? down because my bite was off. My gums were bleeding in that area and it still hurt so I went to neighbor's periodontist who said it looked like the filling was done with it wet, so when it dried it pulled away from the tooth leaving an open space. She thankfully got me numb before sending me back to have her re-fill it. It's just frustrating. And I was told I have a cavity on the other side, but I was waiting to be able to chew on this side before I get that done! Yikes!
TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4
Good info about the PT. We are waiting to do it until at least after our roadtrip in April, so we do not have to stop 1000x
Hopefully things get figured out with C. Both my boys were on zantac and did really well on it.
Hope things work out with your tooth....tooth pain is the worst.
Huzzy - pm back
AF-She eats lots of fruits anyway, but we are focusing on increasing her fiber thru the diet right now. And her pedi rec'd miralax if it gets too bad. So far, lots of fruit and veggies and some apple juice have her doing better.
Missy - as much as I wish you didn't have to go thru it, I am glad to hear of someone else that went there!
MrsOC- ya, we waited until after my sister's weddding and our vacation last summer to potty train. I am so glad we did, a car trip in the beginning weeks would have been nuts! What was your experience with the zantac? Clayton seems to hate the taste, although he pretty much hates anything I try to put in his mouth (binkies, gripe water), so it may just be that. How fast did it seem to work? Did it affect your boys' sleep at all - either more or less? He already seems to be screaming a lot less.
Evan loved the taste of it from Day one, Andrew HATED it for a few months . He also hated binkies...still never used one. With Evan, the improvement was quick. With Andrew, it was hard to tell because we switched to formula at the same time, so not sure exactly, but when he would miss a dose, he was def. more fussy. Evan slept better and Andrew slept better, but only after we started him on his belly. The biggest thing that I noticed once more comfort during and after feedings (less fussiness and no back arching). HTH!