
Magazine cute kid contest - questions

Has anyone ever entered their child in one of these contests?  If you have is there a whole bunch of release forms to fill out?  Do you have to "sign your life away?"

 I, of course, think DS is the cutest kid ever and would like to enter him in the Parenting Magazine cute kids contest, but I'm just not sure of what happens if you do.

 anyone have any experience?

Re: Magazine cute kid contest - questions

  • imagestlhrnmd:

    Has anyone ever entered their child in one of these contests?  If you have is there a whole bunch of release forms to fill out?  Do you have to "sign your life away?"

     I, of course, think DS is the cutest kid ever and would like to enter him in the Parenting Magazine cute kids contest, but I'm just not sure of what happens if you do.

     anyone have any experience?

    People are always telling us... "omg, your DD is so cute she should be a model!" However, I know every parent hears this about their own child! Kids are just cute.. period.

    To answer your question tho, no.. we've never looked into it. Hubby was a model (both as a child and as an adult) but he doesn't remember his parents signing his life away. The thing is, from what I understand, you have to devote 150% of your time to auditions, call-backs, etc. It can be expensive and stressful.

    But there's no harm in learning more about it. Maybe contact the magazine and see what's required.

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