How do you get a "break" from nursing? I laugh when I read things that say to give a bottle of expressed milk to give mom a break...if they have a feeding from a bottle, Aren't you technically supposed to pump at that time to simulate a feeding? To me, if I have to pump, I might as well just nurse her since I still have to get up, etc. DH thinks I'm crazy and being too strict but I don't want to mess with my supply either. I'd love to have a break and have him do an overnight feeding now and then but I just don't know how to do it without me having to pump at the same time and I dont want to do formula either. Is there something I'm missing? How do you get a break?
Re: Another bf question
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At night if I needed to go to bed a little earlier- I would pump for like 15 minutes and then go to bed. Then DH would feed the baby a bottle and rock to sleep. If she had a good 3 hr stretch that was at least 4-4.5 for me. So that's a good break. But I nursed for a least 20minutes on each side. So pumping a quick 15 mins was definitely faster and stimulated enough to not drop my supply. I probably only did that twice though.
We did a nice big bottle at night before bed. I think that helped with keeping her full and sleeping for longer. I never nursed to sleep because I wanted to make sure their bellies were full.
In the beginning I never skipped a feeding, because I'm always afraid of messing with my supply, especially in those early days. Now if I'm out I sometimes skip a feeding and have DH give T a bottle and I don't pump to replace it. I only do that about once a month because again, I don't want to mess with my supply. We do a bedtime bottle of pumped milk, and I usually make more than enough for it, so we just use the extra for those times when I'm out.