Upstate NY Babies

Syr ladies re: the zoo

We're headed to Syracuse next weekend to visit my MIL and ever since we told Ian, he keeps telling us he wants to go to the zoo. What's it like during the winter? Are any animals out? We don't mind going if it's cold, but I don't want him to be disappointed if there's nothing to see.

Re: Syr ladies re: the zoo

  • Hey, Wendy. A large part of the zoo is inside-I'd say about half of the exhibits. At this time of year some of the animals are outside. I believe the penguin exhibit goes year round, and that is Aidan's all time favorite. I think Ian will still love it, and I believe they have a reduced rate during winter months. Hope you guys have a good trip! 


  • I think that the Syr zoo is great in the winter!  There are a bunch of indoor exhibits and it is easier to see the outdoor animals, without the leaves on the trees.  The penguin and elephant exhibit are great!  The tiger one is in the way back, but def. worth walking back to if it is not too bad out.  Enjoy!  
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  • Thanks! We were there this summer (actually just before Irene hit), and he (and DH and I) absolutely loved it. Every time we mention going to see Grandma, he immediately says he wants to go to the zoo. Good to know we'll have fun if we go during the winter.
  • My ILs took Eva last week and she had a blast.  The tigers were out and she was able to see the lions because they are inside.  That's all she could remember besides the bird area being really stinky.
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