
Traveling and IF sucks

I just got home from a week long trip to see my family, all while I started stims. The meds took up most of my carryon suitcase and I was so paranoid that TSA would make me open up my suitcase and show them my note from the doctor saying I could carry drugs and needles with me. Thankfully they didn't even ask. I know it's not that big a deal but I truly can't stand the TSA and try to avoid any more interaction than necessary. And right before my flight back - I ended up having to do my shots in the airport restroom - eww eww eww. But I figured it was going to be better than trying to squirm around in the airplane lav. Had to get extra ice at starbucks then, ziplock baggied, then me and the smart cart into the extra large handicap stall, and mini alcohol swabs to swipe down the surfaces. *sigh* I would be a horrible druggie.

Anyone else have to do injects in not so desirable places? 

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Re: Traveling and IF sucks

  • Your creativity is inspiring me! If I make it to transfer, I will have to give myself the PIOs for several days while at an out of town conference. If the flight is delayed I may end up having to do it on board. I was wondering where I was going to get some ice!
  • I just got back from a trip.  TSA didn't stop me either.  I had to do a lupron shot on the plane!  It wasn't too bad though.   

    TTC since June 2011
    DH diagnosed with Testicular Cancer 8/2010
    Low sperm count. Only option IVF with ICSI
    Starting First cycle Jan/Feb 2012- Canceled due to not responding to BCP and/or Lupron
    IVF 1.2- stims March 14, ER March 24, 16 R 10F 6 made it to blast
    ET March 29- transferred two blasts, 4A and 4BA, froze 4
    Positive HPT 9dp5dt Beta 1- 385 11dp5dt
    u/s April 25- one healthy heartbeat
    EDD 12/12/12>

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  • imageMrsTrelayne:
    Your creativity is inspiring me! If I make it to transfer, I will have to give myself the PIOs for several days while at an out of town conference. If the flight is delayed I may end up having to do it on board. I was wondering where I was going to get some ice!

    Haha - glad I could be of help :). I always carry a travel mug and starbucks is always easy for a cup of water or ice. And don't worry - it's not if... it's WHEN you have the transfer...!!

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  • I just had to travel this week for work, and had to bring my Lupron. I had it in an insulated lunch bag with two ice packs, and both airports pulled it off the scanner belt to swab the ice packs. I had a doctor's note just in case, but was never asked for one. I ended up doing one of my Lupron shots in the plane bathroom...not super fun, but manageable.
    After 5 TI Clomid cycles, 5 IUIs, and 2 IVFs we finally got our BFP!
    Beta#1 (12dp3dt)= 353, Beta#2 (15dp3dt)= 1466, Beta#3 (22dp3dt)= 14,139, First u/s: TWINS!!
    After 10 weeks of bedrest, our two little ladies joined us at 28w6d
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Ugh, that is frustrating but it sounds like you're pretty good at it! I've had to do it at restaurants and a few other undesirable places as well. The worst was last week when I was chaperoning a school trip and forgot it at school! I had to call my co-worker who was driving (I was on the bus) and have double back to pick it up for me. That was embarrassing. Another crappy time was when I had to take it at my friend's house during a dinner party and literally as soon as I came out of the bathroom, his other friend announced that she was pregnant. I didn't take that too well :/ 
    I suck at getting pregnant
    I really suck at staying pregnant
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