i posted this on FB too, my work is having a contest, the most nat gas and/or electric referrals wins
you can find out more information here on how to switch and save:
if you do sign up, just add my name (A Hark will do) as the referral.
thanks in advance ladies!!
Re: you can save $$ while helping me win!
maybe? not sure what 5linx is- are they an ESCO? that's what we are.
yes your current service provider says as it it's the supplier that changes, just one line on your bill.
we aren't the only supplier or ESCO out there but some make you sign a contract and penalize you if you opt out before your contract is up- happened to my husbands grandparents when he talked to them about switching they couldn't due to the contract they already had- and their rate is higher then ours (we have NOCO obviously)
from our website (because they can explain it better then i):
YOUR ENERGY SERVICE, consists of two portions (supply & delivery). Until deregulation, consumers could only buy their energy from one place -- the utility.
WITH DEREGULATION CAME CHOICE. Consumers are now eligible to choose an Energy Service Company (ESCO) for their energy supply. ESCOs in the marketplace have enabled consumers to get better value for their energy dollar -- through forcing efficiency, driving competition and allowing for innovation.
WHEN YOU CHOOSE NOCO, your service and billing will not change. ESCOs partner with the utility to offer seamless service to customers. In other words, customers will enjoy the same delivery, single bill, and support from their current utility -- however, with NOCO's supply rates and benefits. It's that simple.
OVER A MILLION businesses & residential customers in New York State are already participating in the energy deregulation. In fact, New York State encourages customer choice by waiving certain taxes and fees for those that participate.
NOCO is not a regulated utility with a mandated natural gas purchase formula and a guaranteed profit margin. Accordingly we are free to buy natural gas smarter than the utility and we operate on a substantially lower margin than the utility. Plus, enjoy substantial tax savings versus the utility! Depending on your county and municipality, you will save the commodity tariff surcharge tax, the delivery sales tax, and the city of Rochester delivery surcharge! You have the power to choose your natural gas utility in New York State.
for more info:
i normally wouldn't advertise my company- not that i don't love it mind you- but i just thought i'd share the info because you can save some money switching, and i thought i'd take a shot at the contest they announced today. it doesn't hurt to check out the website or call and get some additional information, it's free to switch and you can always switch back.