

We have been looking for a house for a few months because we don?t have room for twins where we currently live.  Well, we just put one under contract and should be moving in the next 30 days!  At that point I will be about 30 weeks along.  I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all of these huge life changes in such a short period of time.  Can anyone else relate?

  I am trying not to stress but I am such a planner and everything feels so out of control and unknown right now.  Does anyone have advice for keeping my cool during all of the transition of moving, increasing finances and two new babies (1st time mom here)?

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Re: Overwhelmed

  • I can relate. We bough a new house in Austin in July. A few weeks later, we were shocked to find out we were having twins. With no family in Austin, and a two year old, we decided to move back to Boston. We decided in oct, and moved about three weeks later. Thankfully our house sold end of January. We still haven't moved into our new house, everything is in storage, and I'm now on bed rest, after spending my 26th week in the hospital...and just ot a GD diagnosis o boot. I just try to take everything one step at a time. I try not o worry abou all the what ifs and focus on the very next thing that has to get done! You're not alone - it's a lot to process!
    Photo by Melissa Glynn
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • All I can tell you is to TAKE IT EASY! If you haven't hit it yet, 30 weeks is about the time you're going to be hitting a "wall" and things just get a lot more painful and difficult. Definitely not a good time to be heavy lifting, moving boxes around, organizing, etc. Don't stress out about unpacking and organizing things, and let DH/friends/family/hired movers do ALL the work. Seriously--you shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt for sitting on the couch all day while everyone works around you. :) Keep us posted! :)
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  • imageeyelovemascara:
    All I can tell you is to TAKE IT EASY! If you haven't hit it yet, 30 weeks is about the time you're going to be hitting a "wall" and things just get a lot more painful and difficult. Definitely not a good time to be heavy lifting, moving boxes around, organizing, etc. Don't stress out about unpacking and organizing things, and let DH/friends/family/hired movers do ALL the work. Seriously--you shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt for sitting on the couch all day while everyone works around you. :) Keep us posted! :)



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  • We sold our old place when I was 14 weeks PG, moved in with family as a temporary stopover, bought our new house when I was 18 weeks PG, and began renovations on the house. We finally moved in when I was 30 weeks PG. It was a lot. We changed our house, I quit my job to be a SAHM, we even got a new vehicle and DH got my old one. It was like EVERYTHING changed. Basically the way I got through was focusing on really silly stuff - decorating and the like. It took my mind off the big things like how to take care of two babies. And once they were here, it was a minute-by-minute survival game.  Try to take it one step at a time. 

    I will suggest to get as much done in the house as you can before they are here because a lot of projects will go on hiatus when they are tiny. Our babies are 15 months old and we're finally getting around to doing things like hanging drapes in our bedroom and cleaning out some closets where we just put stuff when we needed a place to put it when we moved.   

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