Upstate NY Babies

* mrswhite * (helmet update?)

I don't know if I missed any helmet updates.. and I didn't see anything on the blog.  I was just wondering how your little guy is doing and if he's all done with the helmet.  I think you were shooting to have it off by Xmas or Disney but he still needed it?

Re: * mrswhite * (helmet update?)

  • Thanks for asking!

    I started slacking with updates on the blog when things got nuts for holiday time here. I was shooting for Xmas and I got my wish. We went the day before thanksgiving and the neurosurgeon wasn't happy with the measurements/slope of B's forehead so he "sentenced" him to 4 more weeks. He got it off 12/21. He looks AWESOME now. I can still tell by looking at him that he has 1 chubbier cheek but his head shape is excellent. He will keep up his weekly PT until his torticollis goes away, he is a stubborn, stubborn baby. Looking back, I'm glad I did the helmet but what a huge, smelly PITA it was for those 4 months.

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