Late Term and Child Loss

Healthy Living Check In

Sorry this is late, but I had the absolute worst stomach flu starting on Tuesday and am finally feeling a bit better today.  Ugh...  

Anyways, here it is... Better late than never!

Please feel free to write about how your week went physically, emotionally, mentally... Anything you are proud about or need to vent about.  If you have never posted before but would like to join, please feel free. This is a very casual check in for anyone who wants to participate!

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Re: Healthy Living Check In

  • I have been eating super healthy the last week, I've started the brewer diet for high risk pregnancies, and it just means eating TONS of fruit and veggies and tons of protein and calcium.  Obviously I'm not going to be trying to lose weight anymore, just stay as healthy as I possibly can.  I haven't really been working out much because I'm too paranoid, but after our first u/s I will probably start going back to my old maternity yoga class and walking.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    CafeMom Tickers

    Married the love of my life 7/11/09 - Our first baby, Peyton Mark, was born sleeping 10/25/11 at 33 weeks - Our second baby, BFP 2/4/12, welcome to the world Raylan! Holy Moly, BPF 2/4/14, please be safe and sound little one!

    My Blog

  • This was a pretty good week. One of my better 'good' weeks. For the sake of TMI (we're all adults here), DH and I finally had sex. It wasn't as weird as we both thought it would be.

    Now I just need to get back into walking. I have a major walk I'm preparing for! We did receive a few donations already! Yay!

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  • I have had a pretty good week. Emotionally I've been ok. I've had my moments where I see things that remind me of Enzo and I tear up a bit, but I haven't had an ugly cry this week. It worries me when I have good days, makes me feel like the bad days are around the corner. :( I also got AF . I'm happy about that. It's lasted longer than before Enzo but I'm ok with that as long as my doctor says it's normal. I want to start working out in a couple of weeks. I've been eating healthier. I just got down to my pre pregnancy weight so I'm happy about that too. :)
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  • First of all- Petunia- CONGRATS!!!! I haven't been on thebump for a few days and must have missed the announcement!  I couldn't be happier for you. :-)
    Foxxy- I totally understand how you feel.  I was scared to death the first time DH and I had sex.  But I think it brought us closer. 

     As for me, with the flu I lost a bunch of weight, though I doubt it will stay off.  I didn't do much of anything these past several days and just want to get better. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageAuki13:

    First of all- Petunia- CONGRATS!!!! I haven't been on thebump for a few days and must have missed the announcement!  I couldn't be happier for you. :-)

    Thank you!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    CafeMom Tickers

    Married the love of my life 7/11/09 - Our first baby, Peyton Mark, was born sleeping 10/25/11 at 33 weeks - Our second baby, BFP 2/4/12, welcome to the world Raylan! Holy Moly, BPF 2/4/14, please be safe and sound little one!

    My Blog

  • I've had a decent week. Have been doing Tae Bo fairly regularly (yay Billy Blanks!) & can feel my core muscles strengthening Big Smile

    My mom has been out of town all week & it's been SO NICE lol. She drives me insane. Honestly she is a stress factor in my life.

    We are going to Disneyland this weekend. It's been really nice to have something fun to look forward to so close to my due date. And I'm really excited for DD to have this fun experience.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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