Is it okay to just do cake and ice-cream? Or maybe throw in a veggie tray too?
We are celebrating early for G b/c we are leaving again and won't be back until way after his b-day but I don't want to have anything that requires as much as I did last year.
Is it okay that I don't want to do games or anything? DS is getting his tracks for his train table and some new trains, if I only invite like 6 kids they should be content with that right?
I'll have goody bags. I don't even want them to bring gifts, just want G to have a little celebration with a couple friends, kwim?
Re: Ideas for a really low-key 2nd b-day party
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
I think that's fine. Kids are fine with cake and ice cream - the rest of the stuff is for the parents IMO. I'm also one for "no gifts", but not everyone agrees with that. We did no gifts for M's 1st bday and most people brought something - so for her second we did not do the no gifts thing.
I'm hoping to pull off the same sort of thing for M's 3rd birthday. I was thinking a tea party with a few of her friends and call it good.