Too much negativity it my life lately, so instead of a b!tchfest post, I'm posting why today is a GREAT day......and I want to hear yours!
1) The lady in front of me at the Starbucks drive thru paid for my order! She apparently said she was doing her make-up and held up the line (I didn't even notice). Such a nice surprise, when it seems like so many people are assh0les lately. So I paid for the guy behind me, and I *think* he did the same for the person behind him - selfishly, it was a feel-good moment.
2) I'm hugely pregnant and crazy uncomfortable, but our little miracle baby that we never thought we'd get is healthy and so am I, and we're on track to have the out-of-hospital birth we have planned. Yay!
3) I'm so excited for agran today that I can't stand it! Lots of good thoughts for a sticky baby!!!
Your turn....
Re: Today....
ABH, your post is so full of awesome, that it's ... AWESOME!
Mine is ... I'm eating a Butterfinger at 10:21 am, and it feels so good.
I agree, i just want to b!tch
BUT! I'm 29 weeks today! Considering at 26 I was signing the paperwork for c-section consent, I'm pretty darn happy about that! And, I have an awesome family. We are living with my parents until we move into our new house March 1st and my mom and dad have become my full-time nurse, chef, and nanny. Thank goodness we ended up moving back up to Boston - I have no idea what we would have done if I had to be on strict bedrest in Austin!
Photo by Melissa Glynn
"There is a fine line between a princess and a witch...thinking you're one does NOT give you the right to act like the other." my grandmother
Looks like I'm finally starting my period. For most people this is not good news, but I am super happy. The provera kicked my butt so I am happy that it is working as expected.
Also my birthday is Monday and we are going out for dinner and drinks with a bunch of friends tomorrow and I am super excited!
It's Friday.
I ate a cupcake for breakfast and I'm wearing my new TOMS ballet flats, despite them being a hair big. I love them and refuse to wait forever for them to send me another size.
I just had a mini Butterfinger and a mini Baby Ruth. They were delicious!
My baby slept in his crib all night long last night! I would like to thank Rssn and Duckie for telling me to give him ibuprofen instead of Tylenol for the teething pain. It worked like a charm, he didn't cry out at all last night. He may not have woken up the few times that he did if he could breathe (super runny nose), but hey, he was in his own bed so I will take it!
Yesterday I felt really good and did NOT have a headache. yes!! I am noticing on the days I eat a lot and have hot tamales that I feel better. Interesting.....
Today, I am eating a late breakfast of Taco Shack. Deeelicious!!
I guess food makes me happy.
Clomid 50mg June '11 - BFN
Clomid 100 mg Oct '11 - BFN
Clomid 150 mg Nov '11 - BFP @9dpo! Beta#1 @10dpo: 22; Beta#2 @12dpo: 67 Beta#3 @18dpo: 1069! EDD 8-16-12
My (mostly) business travel blog
I feel so very loved by this amazing community of women... you guys provide support, love and encouragement whenever anyone needs someone to lift them up. I hope you all know you are amazing. That's the good thing everyday for me that I stumbled upon this community way, way back when I was getting married. It's nice to cheer on everyone's growing families.
I love feel good posts... we really do have a lot to be thankful for but it's so freaking easy to get caught up in all the negative and *** all the time. I do it all too often.
Married October 28, 2006, TTC since March 2009 IUI #1-8 w/ clomid = BFN
IVF # 1 May, 2011 = BFP!!! Stillbirth at 26 weeks (placental failure/severe IUGR)
FET #1 February, 2012-- BFP! Beta #1=84 Beta #2= 207 Beta #3= 3,526
Our Rainbow Baby is on the Way!
Exactly! Woohoo!
Yay, Brooke, so glad it worked! Hooray for helpful families, new shoes, yummy indulgences, and hope!
1) Currently in week 25 of my first pregnancy. And both twin girls are doing great.
2.) Got a call from the dr. The high White blood cell count that continues to elevate and had me getting a consult for possible leukemia is actually starting to drop and the tests show negative for leukemia! Vitamin D and B12 supplements as well as monitoring are all that are called for!
3.) Bought one crib for now and my aunt had one that was well-used and missing a part that she was going to give me for when they are too big to sleep together. She called the company for the replacement part and they told her there was a recall and asked for her address to send her the part. Today it arrived and it is a brand-spankin' new crib in full. SCORE!
Awesome for everyone and agran you're in my thoughts constantly!
1) 33 weeks which means only 7ish weeks left. I feel awful and hurt but 7 weeks is not too bad. I can do this!
2) our bathroom renovation will be done by next week. Thank you Jesus!
3) maternity pics next week!
I guess this is good, or as good as it can get- I only spotted for 1.5 days as opposed to 4 days like my last 2 cycles. Yay?
*OH! DSs bathroom redo stuff came from PBK today and I love it! I can't wait to redo his bathroom! That IS good! haha
DS slept from 8pm to 3am, ate, went back down relatively easily and up at 5:30. i feel functional having uninterrupted sleep.
and because my projects this week had me working a ton of hours (even though i'm on a reduced schedule), i'm taking the rest of today off. might even get myself a much-needed pedicure.
what?!?!?! thank goodness!
i did my JM 30 day shred for the first time...totally lame but it made me feel good:) oh, and that also means that the boys are currently sleeping at the same time right now...woot!
and yay for all the other good news!!
I had quiet, mostly uninterrupted time alone this morning to read a book. I heard a few crying kids/babies...but none of them belonged to me.
It really is the little things.
I love this post!
I'm so excited to see The Vow tonight (I know I'm going to cry). I'm especially happy because I told DH I wanted to see it and he didn't fight me on it even though it's not his favorite genre.
I've had an awesome day! I left work at noon FOR GOOD. I am officially a SAHM! I was so happy that once I got into my car I started to cry. haha. I honestly don't know how I put up with that job or my boss for so long.
I had a good OB appt and went from only 1cm/10% for the past 4 weeks to 2cm 25% so it looks like the contractions I've been having are actually doing something. We went ahead and scheduled the induction for next Friday 2/17 (40w4d) unless the baby comes sooner.
Seriously one of the best days I've had in a long time. I just feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I'm so excited to meet my new daughter and to have more time to spend with my son.
This is an excellent post! I PPH it.
Let's see what I can come up with:
No one at my office has asked me an inappropriate/rude personal question today! I was beginning to think there was a secret sign on my person/door.
I ate a delicious lunch of leftovers.
The boots I'm wearing make me feel like I can kickass.
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