Upstate NY Babies

My bottles hold different amounts....?

I got new medela bottles, and I'm still using some old ones that I had from Liam, and I just realized as I was transfering milk that the old bottles "3oz" is about a half ounce less than the new.  So if I have 3oz of milk in the old bottle and I transfer it to a new bottle it only goes up to 2 1/2.  WTF!?  Does that make sense?  How do I know which is correct? 

Re: My bottles hold different amounts....?

  • Try pouring the 3 oz into a actual measuring cup that has ounce markings on it and see which one is accurate.  Then I would probably call Medela and complain...maybe they'll replace the wrong ones.
    Bianca image.
  • I use medela bottles when pumping and I remember with dd that dh would tell me that the # of ounces I would write down didn't quite match the Dr Browns bottles.  But I think as long as you keep using the same bottles when you measure, then it doesn't really matter if she gets 1/2 ounce more or less because it will be consistent.
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  • my medela bottles always read a little low, actually.. compared to my breastflow bottles and the playtex drop-ins..
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  • yup same here. The medela bottles aren't right I don't think. I pump into them and then transfer to dr. browns and/or playtex ventair and i always have half an oz. less then what I thought I had in the medela bottles. So annoying.
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  • My bottles have US and UK ounces on them, maybe you bought UK bottles?
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