Happy Friday!!
Tonight: FIL is out of town so I invited MIL up for dinner. I'll work on some laundry and relax with DH after the girls are in bed.
Saturday: No set plans. I have to go shopping for groceries and to get Stella some new shirts. The girl needs to stop growing!
Sunday: No plans again! DH might cut wood sometime this weekend but it depends on the weather.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Re: Weekend Plans?
fri: working all day, home to relax and maybe watch a movie after Evan is in bed.
sat: I have to stop over to my parents to let their dog out (they are leaving for a cruise at 4:30am, and my brother is watching the dog for the week, but he won't be able to pick him up until after 5pm), DH has ambitious plans to clean out the basement, which I really don't want to do! I also want to bake some Valentine cut outs for Evans classmates.
sun: working till 3, home to hang out w/ the boys for a bit then meeting up w/ some work friends (I just got transferred to a new branch, so they are taking me out as a going away party). Hoping to not stay out too late... come home to put Evan to bed and watch Shameless w/ DH (our new fave Showtime series)
No plans, and I am very excited about that! Have tons of laundry to do, and I really need to clean up the guestroom a bit - it's become a dumping ground lately, and I can't stand it anymore.
I do need to get some Valentines for Ian to take to school on Tuesday, and I'd like to pick out fabric to make a roman shade for a window in our living room, so I'll probably do that on Sunday after Ian's soccer class and I've settled him in for a snooze at my parents'.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekends!
Fri: Have a Dr's appt at 3:30. Then I have to do a return at Kohls and make some other stops while I am Jules-less.
Sat: My FIL is coming over to work on finishing up D's room before he heads to FL. Heading home and setting up for a surprise party for my sister's b-day. It's mid-afternoon so we should be home by 7:30 at the latest which is good.
Sun: Painting/cleaning up. Not going overboard and tweeking out my back like last week.
Tonight: Cleaning and Laundry...story of my life.
Tomorrow: Probably more cleaning and laundry, and then a little debut party for a bumpies new biz!
Sunday: No plans, hopefully spending some time with DH. He works so much and I'm over it.
Tonight: dinner at the in-laws house for our weekly visit. Then home to put LO in bed & veg with DH.
Tomorrow: spending the day with DH & LO. DH is going out with friends in the evening, so Tori & I will just hang out and after she goes to bed I'll catch up on some of my DVR shows.
Sunday: Not sure...laundry, cleaning & spending the day as a family unit. DH is deploying soon, so we are attempting to spend as much quality time as a family as possible before that.
Oh no M! Hope that all goes well!
Today: Relaxing now, that both boys are napping
, might go swimming at Y tonight as a family...crash...
Tomorrow: Gym at some point, bumpie gtg for new venture, crash...DH is working
Sunday; Church, Asst. Pastor's baby shower, maybe see if my Mom wants to come up for a visit, crash...DH is working
Notice a pattern...I seriously crash as soon as both boys are down, I feel lucky that they go down easy (knock on wood), as I have no energy left at that point in the day...
Pretty much NOTHING!
I have some homework to do, a few errands to run. Hopefully taking the boys to a bounce house place on Sunday with friends & then to meet DH's coworkers new baby. Charlie has hockey practice Sunday night. I need to clean the house.
Or I could just have a baby.
Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12