Today is one of those days that I just want to turn cartoons on and let them watch them so that I can veg out E is just out of control this morning, with the pushing/knocking A down and my hand is killing me (like is feels broken/sprained, but I know that it isn't, I have no idea what I did, I woke up with it feeling that way). It might have been carrying way too many grocery bags in at a time last night.
To combat the weight loss plateau in my earlier post I decided to get a heart rate monitor. I couldn't just spend $80 so I had this genius plan, that I would buy 1 from d!cks, use it for my workouts for a week, just to get an idea and then return it, saying it gave bad readings. I even asked the woman what the return policy was- she told me just save your receipt. Well, I get home and on the side the box is a huge red sticker that says only un-opened hrms can be returned due to the personal nature of the product. DH was not thrilled, haha.
(oh and after using it once and getting my sweat on it, I total "get" the sticker now)
I am in a b!tchy mood and I wish I could just go back and start over the day. I flipped out while doing a diaper change and now I feel guilty about it. It's great that J is doing things on her own (taking off her clothes) but seriously, there's a reason why she's wearing a diaper so she needs to keep it on. So while I was changing a disgusting diaper, she fought with me so much we both ended up with poop on us. I cannot wait to potty train but she's not ready and I couldn't handle it right now either. This on top of her sleeping ridiculously bad all week (bed at 9, up at 10, 12, 3, and that was with me sleeping with her, plus me having to get up 2x, then up around 5 and not napping until 2:30 (when I have to go to dr appts, and DH conveniently came home and could take a nap himself).
Then as I'm making her breakfast and doing a loud of laundry, DH asks me, like he does every week, "what are we doing tonight?" Does he expect that my answer is going to be go out and get drunk, then pass out and sleep till noon tomorrow? No, my response is that I need to go to bed as early as possible so that the 10 times I am woken up don't completely kill me. I think he thinks I am boring but I'm just not a 23 year old who goes out 3 nights a week and leaves someone else to watch my kid (he's not that kind of guy either, but the question is stupid). He also gets way more sleep than I do because I will always end up picking up the slack if he stays up late.
TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4

Good for you, you've had a crazy, stressful couple of weeks so you deserve it!
I have been having very vivid dreams lately and last night I had one about a male coworker. Nothing happened but we were being very flirty. So weird.
Right now, the best sounding part of L&D is that I have made DH swear he will get me a garbage plate afterwards. Not the fact that I will no longer be pregnant, not that we will have a new LO, those things all come with associated anxiety about how things will go and if this LO will bf and sleep and everything. Just the garbage plate. There is no stress associated with that.
Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
At 5am Alex woke up, so I went into his room and laid down on the floor with him and we fell back asleep.
At 6am I woke up to the sound of Mike (my 7 year old) throwing up in the bathroom. I called to him to see if he was okay, but didn't get up for 10 more minutes.
Grrr technically it is Saturday but I have another. DH went out with some work friends tonight which I was fine with. Until he came home and was drunk in a "more than just a few beers" way. I mean, technically I am full term and could go into labor at any second. And then he is hanging on me and breathing on me with beer breathe. It just is irritating because he is able to go out and do that, and never ever gets up in the morning with Charlotte. So now tomorrow he will be hanging which means he will sleep in and I won't be able to clean before my mom comes. and since when did I become the wife that gets annoyed that her husband went out to a bar without her.
Hm, so is it bad this was me at 2am when dh was snoring very annoyingly and I knew the alarm would go off at 3:30 for him to go to work? I was thinking a pillow over the face!
So sorry M, that stinks he didn't feel an urge to be responsible knowing he could be driving you to the hospital at 3am! Also stinks about the lack of help cleaning, I would be ticked too! Hope your weekend is good anyways! Save the cleaning and maybe your mom will help!