Tuesday after work I noticed that my right foot was really swollen. No big deal, it happens but my MIL picked DD up from dance class so I could keep my feet up. Yesterday when I went to work my foot was throbbing and was purple and cold.I'm stubborn so I continued with my work day although I wasn't really feeling right at all. At around 11 I couldn't bare to sit, stand or breathe. I was very dizzy and evererything was blurry and I decided it would be best forms to call the doctor and go home. The doctor wanted to see me immediately. By the time I got to the dr I was feeling sick. Evidently my blood pressure was really high but they didn't tell me what it was. Doc ran tests and did an ultrasound I had protien in my urine also. Luckily the Blood pressure went down or he was admitting me for observation. So...now I'm on bed rest and I have to check my BP throughout the day. If anything changes I have to immediately go to L&D.
What do I do now ladies. Good books? Movies? TV shows? I know a lot of you have been here before.
Re: Bed rest...yep, I'm on it.
Im actually waiting to hear frommy boss. I work in a small law office. He doesn't have to pay me but I am hoping that he is going to work something out with me. I can work from home. I just need the ok from him. I don't have short term disability so if no pay from work my family and I will struggling in a few weeks. I do know I'll get my regular pay check till March 15th with my earned time off but April and May will suck vic time.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view