I am feeling a little apprehensive about telling everyone that we're expecting again. My DH's cousin told everyone a year ago when they were expecting their second and everyone seemed not supportive. My DH says that it will be different with us because we seem to have everything together and everyone thinks we're more responsible. I guess I just want to get it over and tell everyone. Maybe if I have a fun creative way to tell everyone it will be more fun and surprising.
Does anyone have a fun way to announce? I saw the sending a box full of balloons to grandparents. I also saw the idea of taking a group picture and yelling out "_____ is pregnant" Any other ideas?
Re: How did you announce #2
Stuck DD1 in a big sister shirt and had her walk into the room.
On our blog & FB we just posted the pic of her in her big sister shirt.
For #3 we just told our families but I announced on our family blog & FB by posting a pic of our mantle with a 5th stocking on it since we announced this pregnancy shortly after Thanksgiving.
We sent around the pic in my siggy (on the left). Our families are all a distance away. We told our parents directly though - no special announcement, just brought it up in our daily phone calls.
Good luck - hopefully everyone is supportive of your choice!
we announced at thanksgiving with family over. we had previously done professional photography with all of us. In matching shirts. So I did a rip on a visa commercial with a power point with picts.
slides read
matching shirts -120.00
professional photography-200.00
look on your face when you realize there are 8 of us in this photo -PRICELESS
(there were only 7 people in the pict) it took a couple of them a bit to get it. we kept having to tell them to count the people LOL.
Last slide was a pict of DS1 in a big brothers rule t shirt.
We have never done anything creative to announce. With DD and this one we just shared with family and close friends. Eventually everyone else caught on.
I was really nervous about telling DH's family this time because they were not excited with #2. (They are used to kids farther apart). They didn't seem too excited by the news, but we know they'll be completely in love with the baby once he/she gets here.
All of our family live far away, so we really wanted something creative that we could announce all at once from afar without having to call everyone. I'll give you the descriptions and links if you're interested. Feel free to borrow any ideas!
First pregnancy: Pic of DH and I with "We are Prego" (with Prego spaghetti sauce) https://bornambitous-bornimaginative.blogspot.com/2011/11/laysbecause-you-cant-just-have-one.html
Second pregnancy: Pic of DH and I with "Lays, because you can't just have one" (with bag of Lays chips) https://bornambitous-bornimaginative.blogspot.com/2011/11/laysbecause-you-cant-just-have-one.html
Gender announcement for 2nd pregnancy: Pic of mama and big brother reading "Spot's Big Sister".https://bornambitous-bornimaginative.blogspot.com/2012/02/its_03.html
The funny part is how many people took a bit to comprehend the news. Everyone loved our announcements. Only problem is now they will always expect something creative.
I agree with this. I told my mom and she was thrilled. We're afraid to tell my in-laws because they've made some nasty comments about kids in general. It affects me more than my husband, though. Plus, SIL just announced she's expecting and it'll be the same week as our LO2, so I want her to have some "time in the spotlight" before announcing our second.
I ordered a Big Sister shirt from etsy and DD will wear it when we visit in-laws. I wanted to share the news with my dad this way, but I don't think it'll be here in time. We'll use a picture of DD in the shirt for facebook, etc., but I'm planning on waiting until the end of the first Tri.
When I got pregnant with #3, my second was only 9mo and we told people when she was about 11mo (they are my 2u2). It was Easter time and I did the white crayon on a dyed Easter egg that said Baby #3. That was a cute one (done for my dad and his family). Everyone else we just told on Easter and they were nice, but not excited.
I really like the framed ultrasound picture to tell the grandparents. It's sweet and a nice keepsake for them.
SAHM to 4 kiddos... K (5/05), N (4/09), C (11/10) and Baby A 1/13/14
We did have some family members who were less than supportive at the time as DD1 was only 10 months old when we told them the news. They eventually came around, however. They just needed some time for the news to sink in.