I'm sure it must get old seeing these, but I'm basing almost all of my stash on internet research and not first-hand knowledge from anyone I know, so I need the assistance of some experienced CD mommas! Here is what I've got:
24 KL0 fitteds, 2 Thirsties XS covers, 1 Imse Vimse NB cover, & 1 Prorap Classic NB cover. I am also registered for 2 Thirsties Duo Wrap Snap covers, and I have 3 standard Gerber plastic covers as back-ups (though I'm hoping not to use them.)
3 BG small AIOs
12 BG 4.0 OS, 3 Fuzzibunz OS, 4 RaRz OS, 4 Bummis Tots Bots OS, & 4 Bonnibuns AIO (just ordered these on Babysteals today).... everything here comes with standard liners. Additional liners: 3 Fuzzibunz & 12 BGs. I am also registered for 4 Blueberry OS.
So here's what I'm wondering.... is 24 enough KL0's for every other day washing? Same question for the adjustables, are there enough there to go every third day for washing? How many additional inserts or doublers (to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure of the difference between the two) do I still need?
I am immensely appreciative of all of the help I have already received just as a lurker, and thank you in advance for any advice!!
Re: Stash critique please
Yes, I have a blog and it's hilarious (except when it's not)
I agree that you will need more than 24 newborn diapers to get you through 2 days. You can always go with something cheaper than the KL0s, such as prefolds or GMD workhorses, for backups.
Looks like a pretty good mix of brands, although if you don't like the KL0, you might want to have a back-up in mind. Good news is if you need to sell off the KL0, they are pretty well sought after, so you could get most of your money back on them pretty quickly.
24 KL0 will be tight for every other day washing, figuring 12 diaper changes per day in the newborn stage. Maybe get a dozen prefolds to lay in covers while you're washing the fitteds?
On the OS diapers, it looks like you have plenty, assuming they all work well for your baby.