Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Baby's First Valentine's Day?

Doing anything special?  Some sort of keepsake?  Cute outfit?  Normal day because they won't remember? 

What are you planning/not planning?

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Re: Baby's First Valentine's Day?

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    I bought Valentine's Day cards for DS to send to the woman in his life (Grandmothers and Aunts). In the card is a painted handprint and a wallet sized photo of him in Valentine's Day attire.

    On V-Day I will put the cute t-shirt I got him. But no plans with him. He is having a sleepover at Grammy's house :)

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    We made a craft at daycare with a heart and her footprint inside of it with a poem. I'm going to give that to H along with a V-day card from me.

    For Natalie, she's gotten some presents from my Mom (a shirt), my sis (a teddy bear) and from me (a pink frog with a heart).

    Nothing is really planned though. Although I am looking forward to having a date with Hubby on the 18th!

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    Valentine's cards and snacks for her to take to day care. She'll be dressed in pink and red (onesie with hearts).

    DH is buying her her first flower. <3 

    It won't be a huge deal, but we're playing along with the "holiday".

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    I just made Valentines for DH and the grandparents using LO's handprint. I made it an elephant, and it says "don't forget" on the front, and then "Owen loves you!" on the inside.


    It sounds involved, but it took about 5 minutes to crank out 4 cards after I did the handprints (just with a non-toxic stamp pad that was $1.50 at Michaels).

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    I just made Valentines for DH and the grandparents using LO's handprint. I made it an elephant, and it says "don't forget" on the front, and then "Owen loves you!" on the inside.


    It sounds involved, but it took about 5 minutes to crank out 4 cards after I did the handprints (just with a non-toxic stamp pad that was $1.50 at Michaels).


    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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