For any of you who have had a baby with RSV, what does it look like? The little guys (he's 3 months actual, 7 weeks adjusted) was getting the shots until the insurance cut him off. I had some sort of cold bug last week and now he seems to have it. He's pretty congested (but there's nothing in there to suction out), wicked irriatible, and not eating super well. For the record he's still eating, just not as much as usual. Weight gain hasn't been a big issue for him so far.......but with whatever he's got, I'm starting to worry a bit.....
Re: RSV?
I would take him to the doctor asap. This sound a lot like DS who had RSV last month. It is going around like crazy in the northeast.
FYI-DS has had synagis since Oct and will continue them until next month. He still got RSV however it was a mild case. He was on the nebulizer for two weeks and we were at the pedi every other day for a check in. Thankfully he has recovered.
At this age (3 months adj and under) don't hesitate to take baby to the doctor. Still eating is a good sign, but lethargy (not responding to stimulus at all), trouble breathing, not eating at all...those are signs that you need to see the doc. If baby spikes a fever, *definitely* call and take him in.
Sounds like you can wait a little longer..if your LO gets worse and you feel uneasy, then call your ped and have him seen.