I need help, suggestions, ideas....anything you've got.
The boys are in the same room. Sleep has been fine until the past 2 weeks. It's been pure hell - up 4 to 6 times a night.
I think JS is teething and going through the 8-10 month sleep regression (adjusted age). I understand why he's waking up. He's whiny and fussy, but usually goes back to sleep with some rocking and shushing.
Hilyer on the other hand has started waking every hour or hour and half. He's screaming and crying, which wakes JS up. Everything tail-spins from there...it's a disaster!
So -- do I put Hilyer in the PNP until he gets over his waking so often? How difficult would it be to transition him back to his crib?
Other useful info - Hilyer is still on oxygen. When he gets worked up, he desats so CIO isn't really an option for him.
Thanks in advance if you can attempt to help me solve this issue.
Re: Twins in the same room -- sleep issues :(
Probably not what you want to hear, but we gave up our guest room and separated the girls at around 13 months. Best thing we've done as parents. They both immediately started sleeping better, and within 2-3 nights, we went from multiple wakings to both of them STTN. Due to the layout of our house, Jules is across the hall from us, and Kit is downstairs in our basement. So we still use a sound monitor for her, and haven't had any problems with it.
We were having the same exact problem & it has just recently gotten better. Ours was due to teething & it was very taxing!! Waking up several times at night screaming in pain and then having to be soothed back to sleep. On occasion, they would wake eachother up, but we would usually try to go in there to soothe the one crying before he woke up his brother. At times he didn't want to go back to his crib so we would put him in the swing and he would be out within 10 minutes. They are still in the same room and will stay that way.
Hang in there!! There is light at the end of this looooong tunnel!!