We need a new solution for the toy situation in our living room. I'm thinking if I can get some kind of storage ottoman it'll be 1000000x easier to get the kids to clean up, since they just have to dump everything in it. I'm picturing a pristinely toy free downstairs every night. Work with me here.
Anyway, what do you guys think about this:
It looks like it would go with the slipcover we have on the couch (and by go I mean practically match). It's long, which is what DH wanted. It looks like it would fit a lot of stuff, but I'm pretty bad at the whole visual spatial thing, so that's just a guess really.
Ugly? Cute enough to make it work? Any other major flaw I'm not thinking of? Right now I'm seeing this storage ottoman as the solution to all of my life problems, up to and including Leo peeing his pants three times in the past two days when he knows full well how to use the potty. So as you can see I may need a slight reality check. TIA
Re: Help me shop :)
ottoman looks nice, have you thought about an expedit from ikea?
We have something similar right now, but it's longer with three cubbies. I'm not loving it. For some reason the kids just do not want to put their stuff away into those. Note, this is definitely the fault of a) The cubby bench and b) The children. Not me for being lazy about making them clean up. Just to be clear
It works great upstairs though, we have the big expedit unit in our playroom and I love that.
Also what we really need to do is not have so many freaking toys. It's absurd. We have the entire Expedit unit filled (though the top row is all books so that doesn't count), plus enough toys downstairs to keep like 10 kids occupied for 2 hours during playgroup.
I blame my husband for being a sentimental pack rat. Also the new baby because I can't get rid of the baby toys since he'll need them.
So just so we're all on the same page. My life problems are caused by, in no particular order, furniture, toys, my husband, and innocent children. Clearly, this ottoman is needed.
It's cute! you can get foam sticky thingies to prevent finger squishing
or there are things for slowing down hinges too 
We have one. It's the ***. Ours is the plain old brown leather one everyone has. My only complaint is that I feel like its very mediocre style wise. However, it goes with everything (as would the one you listed) and they are very versite.
And I'm about to make your day. Every night, Liv puts all her toys in them (mine also has two stools, and we have a couple Ikea clear bins on wheels). She loves it, like it's a game. The shelf with baskets? She's never put anything in ever. So, it just might solve a lot of your problems. AND when I put toys away, I find it much easier than having to pull out multiple baskets, fill, and replace the baskets.
*** = shiit. As in awesome.
ETA: Ugh, and versite = versatile. Stupid iPhone.
With that Ikea thing just take pics of what toys u want in the cloth buckets and Velcro the pic on the cubbie. Laminate the pic if u can. Garden ridge has the best prices on those cubbies. My playriom pretty much looks like one of my classrooms!
I'm going to have to just go and do it one day when DH isn't around. I mean they play with maybe like 15% of what we have.
Also thank you SaraLouise I am ordering it for sure after your testimonial
Oh hey, why don't you just come over and take some toys home. Yes, bring a garbage bag, take anything you like. Tomorrow work? Good, see you bright and early.
Okay, now I don't have to pick up toys tonight. Chores done, check.