Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I ripped off umbilical cord by accident! Help!

As I was cleaning my son off with the washcloth I accidentally ripped off the cord stump. It looks pretty nasty now because it's white and kind of swirly looking ( like a vanilla ice cream cone). Has anyone else done this? Will it eventually heal? 
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Re: I ripped off umbilical cord by accident! Help!

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    He's 2 weeks old, it was ready to cOme off and it will heal. Keep it clean. 
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    It was time for that thing to come off. Take a deep breath :) It will heal in a few days.
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    No most likely bumped it and it was ready to fall off.  Keep an eye on it just in case, but it will be ok :)
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    I did this with DS if it still looks fresh take him to the pediatrician and they will "burn/freeze" it. I am not quite sure what the actual method is called but they take a q-tip and a special liquid and place it in the belly button...

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    Yeah you probably just pulled it off because it was already so loose! Doubt there's anything at all to worry about. Our LO still had little flaky leftovers in his belly button when is fell off and those are just now gone.
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