I've always drank a lot of water. Pre-pregnancy I was drinking over 128oz a day. I would say I drink slightly more now probably another 32 oz on top of that.
Lately I've been waking up being extremely thirsty in the middle of the night. I always have water nearby, so I drink as much as I can. But considering how hydrated I am during the day this seems odd.
I had my GD test on Monday and am anxiously awaiting the results. I know excessive thirst can be a symptom of type 2 diabetes, but am I worrying too much about this?
Anyone else with crazy night time thirst?
Re: excessive thirst?
I too have found myself more thirsty than normal. While pre-pregnancy I did drink a lot of water (not as much as you though!), now I drink even more.
I always try to stop drinking water after 6 or 7pm b/c I just don't want to be up and down all night to pee. But, lately, I have to have a bottle of water next to me at night and when I wake up in the morning I feel like I haven't had a sip to drink in days.
I had read that it was a symptom of the diabetes, but I passed my GD test a few weeks ago.
So, you're not alone!! Good luck with your GD test!!