I CD'ed both of my kids and used prefolds and covers that I have since mostly sold. I haven't been researching CD's any more because my kiddos are no longer in diapers, so I'm not up on the latest and greatest in cloth. However, I know that you ladies are! I would be ever-grateful for your recs.
Re: What are your fave CDs?
Everyone is different.
I like mine for different reasons, so here's my list:
Green Mountain Diaper (GMD) prefolds. These are my all-around favorite for all situations. They clean easily, wear excellently and are squishy.
Fitteds. I my TT (twinkie tush), but they are uber hard to get. I only have one... I use GM (goodmama) for DS's naps. They're not as absorbent as the TT. I use BSRB (bagshot row bamboo) fitteds with a babykicks premuim hemp insert at night if the TT is dirty.
Wool - I keep my WCW (wild coconut wear) and my 1&OnlyWoolies soakers in a rotation. Mega absorbent. Used primarily at nights and naps.
Covers. Thirsties Duo for small babies and Blueberry for larger babies.
Rumparooz pockets - for my sitter. They lie about the 35 lb weight limit, I think. DS is on the second to last snap for the waist and he's only 26 lbs.
I also use plain old birdseye cotton flats during the day. They're not as absorbent as the GMD prefolds, but they clean the best of everything I have.
PG#1 - 3rd cycle BFP. Team Green. HELLP syndrome @ 34 weeks.
Later diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, possible link to HELLP.
PG#2 M/C 3/14 - Surprise BFP 2/13. Beta's doubled every 52 hours from 3w5d-5w5d
Viable pregnancy scan at 5w5d; 2nd u/s showed 2 days of growth in 7 but a HB of 120
3rd u/s on 3/10/14 had no HB and baby had only grown 7 days over 14
D&C 3/17/14 - complications - DX Retroflexed uterus, multiple tears to cervix
All Welcome
I loved Tots Bots Easyfits when LO was younger (absorbency isn't great now that she's older).
My current favorites are Peachy Green, Tots Bots Bamboozle Stretch fitteds paired with Thirsties Duo Wraps, and Best Bottom. We have a handful of Bum Genius 4.0 pockets and freetimes that I also like for easy boosting.
Blueberry pockets (durable PUL and the pockets are wide and easy to stuff).
BumGenius Elementals.
GroVia AI2.
Rumparooz (but like a PP said, I don't expect them to fit up until potty training).
For the NB stage, I liked prefolds and Thirsties Duo size 1 covers (the leg gussets are really nice), and Rumparooz.