Boston Babies

Got Colic, Sleep or Feeding Issues? Come to our FREE Lecture!

Newton-Wellesley Hospital?s Parenting Series
A Mindful Approach to Everyday Behavior Challenges 7:00pm- 8:30pm
Shipley Auditorium
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
2014 Washington Street
Newton, MA Thursday, February 9, 2012
Holding Your Infant in Mind: Colic, Sleep and Feeding Issues in the First Year Claudia M. Gold, MD runs the Early Childhood Social Emotional Health program at Newton-Wellesley Hospital. She has practiced general and behavioral pediatrics for over 20 years, and is author of the book Keeping Your Child in Mind: Overcoming Defiance, Tantrums and other Everyday Behavior Problems by Seeing the World Through Your Child?s Eyes All events are free. Registration is encouraged. To reserve your space, email or call 617-243-5900. For more information, visit
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