TTC after 35

iui with injectables question

how manty days of shots did you have to do and what dosage? just trying to get an idea and comparison.  so far i have done 3 days at 75units and 3 days at 150units and only have 2 follies 1 at 9mm and 1 at 10mm

BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: iui with injectables question

  • I should start my first injectable cycle on Monday so I don't know what ultimately happen?  However, I do know that I am doing 75 units for 3 days and then going back for b/w & u/s.  They will then adjust the dosage and do u/s and b/w every day from there (I think).  I think that they gave me enough for 10 days of injections at 75 units.
    BFP on IVF #2 6/29/2012. Beta #1 7/3 = 522; Beta #2 = 1180; Beta #3 = 6491 image BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've done Gonal-F twice now and have always had 2 mature follies, plus an intermediate or two, at the end of 7-8 days of 75iu of stims.
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  • I usually stim for about 12 days but I know I tend to respond a little slow.  I know ladies that have stimmed for 3 weeks though.  So, I think we're all a little different.

    Good luck!  I hope those follies start to grow!

    After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
    IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
    No heartbeat at 10w6d
    FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
    It's a boy!
    My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My last IUI I stimmed for nine days with Follistim. I was four days at 75 units and then upped to 100 units for five days.  After six days I had four follies sized 1.6, 1.5, 1.3, 1.0. 


    TTC #1

    Me 42, DH 47

    Dx = AMA/DOR, MFI

    IVF/ICSI #1 = BFN

    IVF/ICSI #2 = BFP; early loss

    IVF/ICSI #3 (DE) = BFP; early loss

    FET = BFN

    IVF/ICSI #4 (DE w/ CCS) = BFP

    Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251. 

    1st U/S @ 6w2d showed one perfect little heartbeat! 

    2nd U/S @ 7w2d. HB 132 & everything measuring on track.

    Our beautiful little girl arrived January 2015!

  • thanks ladies, i fee better. i thought that maybe i was just a poor responder. i will be patient and try to chill!
    BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • What kind of side effects do you ladies get with the injectables?  I did Clomid on my last cycle and had horrible side effects in addition to thin lining.  I am hoping that the injectables are better for my lining and maybe I will not feel so bad.
    BFP on IVF #2 6/29/2012. Beta #1 7/3 = 522; Beta #2 = 1180; Beta #3 = 6491 image BabyFruit Ticker
  • This is my 1st injectable cycle; this is what it looked like:

    CD3 monitoring appointment (4 follies on right, 5 follies on the left)

    CD3-5: 75 iu of Gonal-F

    CD6 monitoring appointment (2 lead follies on the right, 1 lead follie on the left)

    CD6-8: 75 iu of Gonal-F

    CD9 monitoring appointment (1 lead follie on right, 1 lead follie on left)

    CD9-10: 75 iu of Gonal-F

    CD11 monitoring appointment (15mm follie on right, 18mm follie on left)

    CD11 Ovidrel trigger

    CD 13 IUI

    Every body responds differently to the meds and your numbers sound like they are off to a good start--best of luck to you!


    TTC since 10/2010
    IUIs # 1-5 = BFFN
    IVF # 1(July 2012) = BFN
    IVF # 2 (November 2012) = BFP (MIssed MC D&C @ 8w3d on 1/10/13)
    IVF # 3 (June 2013) = BFN 
    IVF # 4 (September 2013) = BFP Fraternal twin boys! (Loss at 21w6d due to IC on 1/26/14...devastated.)
    3/21/14--TAC (transabdominal cerclage) w/Dr. Davis in NJ
    IVF # 5 (May 2014) = BFN
    FET (August 2014) = BFN

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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