Nurseries and Baby Gear

Crib in front of window?

The nursery is kind of weird room, and it just works out best to have the crib in front of the window.  My mom thinks this is a terrible idea due to drafts, sunlight etc.  I see her point. 

But, don't they make insulating/ blackout curtains for that?  I would leave a few inches between the crib and the window (not smack against it). 

I can configure it differently if I have to.  Is this a dumb idea?  I see inspiration rooms with the crib in front of the window, is that just for looks and not practical or safe?


Me: 38  DH:36
lap for endo 12/2010  uterus didelphys confirmed in hysteroscopy 
dd born at 34 weeks 2/29/12  short NICU stay
BFP somewhere around 2/14/13  d&c april @ 12 wks   partial molar diagnosed after d&c
HCG monitoring for approx 11 months
TTC  #2 

Re: Crib in front of window?

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    DDs crib is infront of a big window and shes fine, we have thick windows with no drafts but we also have exterior rollar blinds which shut out light and help insolate the room at night.
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    They do make an insulated/ black out curtain. Just look at the curtains that you shopping for- you need the ones that actually say blackout. The ones that say room darkening are not the same thing. The other thing you can do is pick out any curtains that you want and if you can sew  or if you know someone that does- go to a fabric store and pick up a blackout backing. They have a variety of colors- most are dark but I have seen a white blackout backing. Good Luck:)
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    The crib for this baby will have one end next to a window. She's sharing a room w ds2 and this is our only option. We have black out curtains and we have newish windows so I don't think a draft will be an issue.
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    Make sure that LO can't reach the curtains/shades/blinds whatever, and it should be fine. 

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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 
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    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 


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    Sorry but it isn't safe. On another note - your siggy pic is amazing. What a beautiful setting and couple!
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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 

    that's easy to say when you don't have a 9x10' room with walls that have a door on one, closet on the other, and a window on each of the last two.  By a window is the only option for our someday baby #2.  We have really nice insulating blackout blinds, will tie the cord up, and put the crib a few inches from the wall.  I'm not overly concerned about it.


    I think it will be fine.  Our nurery has a huge picture window also where the crib will go and I have the blackout curtains as well.  Everything looks great and will be great for baby.  Of course, you will just raise the bling string so baby can't reach it, other than that, it should be perfectly fine.  :)

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    me personally woudlnt do it for risks of falling out the window. ive seen this happen too many times. I suppose early on you wouldnt have to worry.


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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 

    that's easy to say when you don't have a 9x10' room with walls that have a door on one, closet on the other, and a window on each of the last two.  By a window is the only option for our someday baby #2.  We have really nice insulating blackout blinds, will tie the cord up, and put the crib a few inches from the wall.  I'm not overly concerned about it.

     Oh honey.  I have a challenging nursery too.  I managed to shuffle things around to find a place away from in front of the window.
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    Emily 8.8.08
    Madeline 1.2.11
    William 8.5.12
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    I couldn't do it.  In a storm a branch or flying object could break through, it's cold here in MN, I'd worry about her climbing and going through the window, I like to have windows open in the warm months, once the baby is older you are going to have to keep the crib a foot or more from the window to prevent the baby from pulling the curtains down.  I can be overly cautious with some things though and my mind doesn't settle if there are too many "what ifs".  
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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 


    Yes, this is what I've always been told too--I would try as hard as possible not to put a crib in front of a window.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD #1 born 4/1/2012
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    It's fine. You aren't endangering your child by having a crib in front of a window! Just make sure there are no drafts and you have cordless blinds and curtains that "unclip" if pulled. When I was nannying I walked in to check on baby and she had a blind cord wrapped around her neck, scariest moment ever. Her mom got cordless blinds the next day. That's the only hazard to windows really.

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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 

    Why? I have never heard of this, aside from it might get cold or too much light, and obviously watch blind pulls. Is there a reason aside from those that you have, or are those risks just too much alone in your opinion?

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    It's certainly not ideal, but sometimes it's the only option. Just use extra precautions - DO NOT use window treatments with a cord. And hopefully the window is too high for baby to possibly fall out of. If not, keep it locked. It would make me nervous and I'd avoid it if at all possible.
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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 

    Why? I have never heard of this, aside from it might get cold or too much light, and obviously watch blind pulls. Is there a reason aside from those that you have, or are those risks just too much alone in your opinion?

    I helps people make a decision if you give an explanation, not just a command...

    How about a baby falling out of the window??  Wow, the fact that this was overlooked in a lot of posts surprises me.  While this isn't going to happen the day you bring them home from the hospital it can and has happened when they are mobile.  Aside from that, breezes, lights, strings, cords, items to pull on, etc are all common sense NO-NO's when outfitting your nursery.  Regardless, of the size or set-up of my nursery it never would've been an option - period.

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    me personally woudlnt do it for risks of falling out the window. ive seen this happen too many times. I suppose early on you wouldnt have to worry.

    Seriously?  How does one fall out of a closed window? I just don't see this as possible...

    I could see other safety reasons, like breaking glass in the case of an earthquake, or strangulation hazards from curtain pulls, but falling out of a window just seems highly unlikely for anyone.

    Unfortunately it happens more often then you would think.  Kids can slide open windows, siblings/other adults open the window not thinking, etc.  It's an easy enough safety issue to avoid. 

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    me personally woudlnt do it for risks of falling out the window. ive seen this happen too many times. I suppose early on you wouldnt have to worry.

    Seriously?  How does one fall out of a closed window? I just don't see this as possible...

    I could see other safety reasons, like breaking glass in the case of an earthquake, or strangulation hazards from curtain pulls, but falling out of a window just seems highly unlikely for anyone.

    Unfortunately it happens more often then you would think.  Kids can slide open windows, siblings/other adults open the window not thinking, etc.  It's an easy enough safety issue to avoid. 

    This is true.  DH did this as a baby/toddler.  I agree, I'm sure it isn't common, but neither is SIDS, etc. and we make sure we do what we can to prevent that.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD #1 born 4/1/2012
    My Married Bio 

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    It is just not safe. Crib safety 101. Don't put cribs in front of or near a window. 

    Why? I have never heard of this, aside from it might get cold or too much light, and obviously watch blind pulls. Is there a reason aside from those that you have, or are those risks just too much alone in your opinion?

    I helps people make a decision if you give an explanation, not just a command...

    How about a baby falling out of the window??  Wow, the fact that this was overlooked in a lot of posts surprises me.  While this isn't going to happen the day you bring them home from the hospital it can and has happened when they are mobile.  Aside from that, breezes, lights, strings, cords, items to pull on, etc are all common sense NO-NO's when outfitting your nursery.  Regardless, of the size or set-up of my nursery it never would've been an option - period.

    Another good point, but again, reasoning helps. For example, some of the windows in my house flat-out do not open. If that is the case for the OP in her baby's room, that one is not a concern. Etc.

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