TTC after 35

Day 5 of stims question

This is our first IVF cycle, so please pardon me if this sounds weird.   That said, are my ovaries supposed to feel like pumpkins?  My ovaries feel enormous and it's frakkin uncomfortable.  Is this normal??? 

Re: Day 5 of stims question

  • Yep, normal if you are getting a good response from stims :-). When do you go for your first monitoring appt?
    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • Whoa! That is an excellent sign! 

    I had 9 eggs retrieved and I didn't feel anything until stim day 8 or so and even at 11 days I wouldn't have said pumpkins.

    Here's hoping for a bountiful harvest! 

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