
baby food?

So we have mastered Rice and oatmeal so it is time to try some veggies! Does anyone recommend a brand?  I would like to use no sugar, no salt added.  The regular Gerber says no salt or flavor or colors added but the Gerber Organic says no salt, sugar, flavors or colors, so does that mean the regular has sugar? but when I compared the sugars in the same veggie they were the same (ie the org carrots had 6 g and the regular carrots had 6 g).


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Re: baby food?

  • Make your own! It is sooo easy. You have complete control over what's it it. I make mine in batches and freeze it in ice cube trays and then pop it in a freezer bag. I have made butternut squash, sweet potatoes, pears, and just made nectarines/banana/cereal blend.
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  • I agree. I made all of my own & my toddler is a great eater because I think he was used to real food.

    This website really helped.


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  • I make most of my own and agree with the Wholesome Baby Food site, but I buy some, too.

    Most brands do not have sugar added.  Just read the ingredient list.  It should only include the veggie and water, and some of the fruits have ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).  I prefer not to buy Gerber because the containers are plastic and not recyclable.  I buy a lot of Beech Nut since they come in glass jars.

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  • I made my own too - did the ice cube tray method and also like Wholesome Baby Food's website!

    The only thing I bought was fruit - I couldn't keep up with their fruit intake (I thought it was a pain to wait for fruit to ripen, then puree, etc...  Never got the timing right.  So I made some fruits, but bought some also - including big jars of applesauce with no added sugar.

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