I'm a high school teacher, and I have about 3-4 more weeks of working that I'd like to do before starting my maternity leave.
any advice on making my day easier from fellow teachers? my building is so huge, I try to not walk around, but sometimes I just have to trek to the other side of the building. =(
Re: teacher advice?
I know it's hard, but make a real effort to always sit down. I had a rolling chair that really helped, and I found that it helped to sit up on a desk or high stool when giving instructions or a lecture.
Also, I found that my students were more than willing to help me with anything, so I definitely used them when it was appropriate to do so.
I agree with PP. Sit down!!!! With my first first pregnancy my administration was understanding that I would not be on my feet, circulating the classroom, etc. all day long. Having a teacher in a seated position and not 100% for a few weeks is way better than putting a sub in your position! Have you students help with as much administrative type stuff as possible. I had junior high students at the time and they always loved to help out with copies, running errands for me, etc. Good luck!
I was going to say the exact same thing. I worked until the end of the school year, which happened to hit at 30 weeks for me. I teach 2nd grade, so the kiddos were extra eager to help. They would run things to another classroom or the office if I needed it. My principal was also completely on board with me sitting most of the time. I had a SmartBoard in my classroom, so I would actually sit at my computer and type and it was the equivalent of writing on the board. I would say make use of your chair and utilize students as much as possible!
I taught 4th grade and was lucky that I was 24 weeks at the start of Christmas break....during the holidays I hit "the wall" that everyone on here talks about. I went to the doctor that first Tuesday back from holidays when I was 26 weeks and OB let me finish out that week and then I left on STD and Maternity Leave. I was out for 16 weeks...went back the first week of May to finish out the year.
While I was there, I sat A LOT! I did lots of my lessons on the document camera and data projector instead of on the white board. I rolled around a lot on my rolling chair, and luckily, my principal let the other teachers in my grade level take my kids to and from PE/Music and to/from lunch...that was NICE!
I'd say figure out what your maternity/STD coverage is. I squeezed out 2 more weeks (in PAIN) and it turns out it would have made no difference to me financially. I had my first PTL scare at 28w, then 2 weeks of Xmas break and then 2 more weeks of light work (4 day weeks.) I didn't need to come back after Xmas. I wouldn't have if I knew it wouldn't have mattered.
Other than that, sit a lot. Get kids to come to you. Get them working cooperatively as much as you can. Have them do presentations or something that don't require you being as active. Any one-on-one meetings, make them come to you. Cut out extra-curriculars, if you're doing them. Make the students your slaves
Guilt them into good behavior.