
teacher advice?

I'm a high school teacher, and I have about 3-4 more weeks of working that I'd like to do before starting my maternity leave. 

any advice on making my day easier from fellow teachers? my building is so huge, I try to not walk around, but sometimes I just have to trek to the other side of the building. =( 

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Re: teacher advice?

  • I know it's hard, but make a real effort to always sit down. I had a rolling chair that really helped, and I found that it helped to sit up on a desk or high stool when giving instructions or a lecture. 

    Also, I found that my students were more than willing to help me with anything, so I definitely used them when it was appropriate to do so. 

  • I use email a lot!Smile
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  • My body told me when it was time to stop and therefore my doctor took me out of work at 30 weeks. Depending on the age group and school you work at, there just comes a time when it gets to be too much. Be sure to listen to your body!
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  • I agree with PP.  Sit down!!!!  With my first first pregnancy my administration was understanding that I would not be on my feet, circulating the classroom, etc. all day long.  Having a teacher in a seated position and not 100% for a few weeks is way better than putting a sub in your position!   Have you students help with as much administrative type stuff as possible.  I had junior high students at the time and they always loved to help out with copies, running errands for me, etc.  Good luck!


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  • I am a kindergarten-2nd grade teacher but as people have said use your students as they are more then willing help. I also used my email tons and co-workers helped out tons!
    Married to Brandon since 2/14/06
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    I am a kindergarten-2nd grade teacher but as people have said use your students as they are more then willing help. I also used my email tons and co-workers helped out tons!

    I was going to say the exact same thing.  I worked until the end of the school year, which happened to hit at 30 weeks for me.  I teach 2nd grade, so the kiddos were extra eager to help.  They would run things to another classroom or the office if I needed it.  My principal was also completely on board with me sitting most of the time.  I had a SmartBoard in my classroom, so I would actually sit at my computer and type and it was the equivalent of writing on the board.  I would say make use of your chair and utilize students as much as possible!

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  • I taught 4th grade and was lucky that I was 24 weeks at the start of Christmas break....during the holidays I hit "the wall" that everyone on here talks about.  I went to the doctor that first Tuesday back from holidays when I was 26 weeks and OB let me finish out that week and then I left on STD and Maternity Leave.  I was out for 16 weeks...went back the first week of May to finish out the year. 

    While I was there, I sat A LOT!  I did lots of my lessons on the document camera and data projector instead of on the white board.  I rolled around a lot on my rolling chair, and luckily, my principal let the other teachers in my grade level take my kids to and from PE/Music and to/from lunch...that was NICE!

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  • Everyone has pretty much covered it, but I second the sitting.  I would just sit at my desk while the kids were working, and had them come to me if they needed help.  My principal was completely ok with it, and it worked great!  Even though I had PTL at 28 weeks and got taken out...


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  • I'm a high school teacher too and before I went on disability for bedrest I sat in a rolly chair and literally just rolled my way around. Rolled my way from the desk to the whiteboard, rolled my way down the aisles. And prayed to god my administrators didn't walk in. Hang in there!
  • I'd say figure out what your maternity/STD coverage is.  I squeezed out 2 more weeks (in PAIN) and it turns out it would have made no difference to me financially.  I had my first PTL scare at 28w, then 2 weeks of Xmas break and then 2 more weeks of light work (4 day weeks.)  I didn't need to come back after Xmas. I wouldn't have if I knew it wouldn't have mattered.

    Other than that, sit a lot.  Get kids to come to you.  Get them working cooperatively as much as you can.  Have them do presentations or something that don't require you being as active.  Any one-on-one meetings, make them come to you.  Cut out extra-curriculars, if you're doing them. Make the students your slaves :)  Guilt them into good behavior.

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