I'm still gagging from the coffee post below, but then I remembered what I did not long ago, lol.
DS was painting, and I set up the table with a little glass of water in a coffee mug for him to rinse his brush in. My glass of water was next to his...I have no idea what made me think that was a good idea. I accidentally picked up his glass of dirty paint water and took a swig without even looking.
Re: S/O drinking disgusting things, did you ever drink something nasty by accident?
When I was teaching 8th grade I had a student who had gotten in trouble in my class, the next day she dug up dirt at the bus stop, put it in a baggy she brought from home just for this purpose and brought it to school. She put it in my coffee when I was out monitoring the hall. GROSS. She got in even more trouble for that than she did the day before. The whole class ratted her out because they watched her do it, but they also let me drink it knowing what she had done. I was so pissed.
She came back to visit me years later and apologized. Apparently it had bothered her for many years that she was terrible to me as a snassy 13 year old. She is married now and has kids and I wonder if they are giving her a run for her money.
As a kid, DH drank lamp oil thinking it was pineapple juice. He still is not a fan of pineapple juice!
I can't think of anything disgusting, but I remember being very surprised when I took a big drink of what I thought was cow's milk and it was goat's milk.
Was the only one who played *would you drink this for 10 bucks*?
God, I'd make you girls yak!
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I can still remember this vividly.
When I was around 12 I drank cigg ashes. I put my soda can down - one of my dad's friends ashed in it (thinking it was his) and I drank it. I guess I made this horrible face then ran outside to puke. The guy felt horrible.