I think I am more grossed out than upset at this point. I pull into work and an ex-employee followed me in and wanted to see if I had a copy of his drivers license. I sat my coffee down on my desk and walked to the back room to check. I couldn't find it and then a little while later I sat down to my desk and tasted my coffee. I was gagging. All I could smell and taste was smoke. I even dumped it out thinking there was a butt in there.
I am so grossed out at the thought of this low life piece of trash touching my coffee. That and I had to dump my $coffee.
Re: If a smoker took a drink of your coffee could you tell?
Hhmmm....I'm not sure I would have jumped to that conclusion.
Honestly, there have been times that I have tasted my coffee and it smelled/tasted like a cigarette. It's happened on more than one occasion. It at least once it was home brewed (meaning I know it wasn't DD worker who caused it to smell like that).
I thought it was maybe because I am a part time smoker and I was "used" to the smell!? I don't know.
I wonder if this has happened to anyone else.
No and I don't think that this is what happened with your coffee..seems far fetched that it would be so evident.
I don't know if you can, but I don't think it's farfetched. If he just had a smoke, the backwash would be disgusting. If I drink H's water, which he brings to bed, I can taste his toothpaste.
That's sooooo nasty. And I'm very sensitive to smells and tastes, so yes.. I probably would be able to tell.
Trust me I hope I am wrong about this but I don't think I am. I stopped at starbucks before I dropped DD of at preschool, drank some in the car, it was fine.
I don't mean on purpose. When you take a drink out of a glass, especially one with a lid, there is some backwash.
I don't know why he would do it. That part may be improbable, but I don't think it's farfetched that you would be able to smell someone's strong breath from their drink.
So it sounds like he did this on purpose?
You said ex-employee - did he have a beef with your company?
OMG, I never thought of this, but OMG. Gagging.....
Matthew James 1/11/07
Ok, I guess you would have to know what kind of business and what kind of person he is to understand. We do construction and he is the definition of white trash. He would buy smokes/drugs over food.
Yes, we let him go because he was using drugs. He is worthless. I think it was harmless on his part. He saw a coffee that he I'm sure just wanted to try, I don't think he would ever pay 5 for coffee when he could buy smokes/drugs.