Cloth Diapering

Dogs and CD'ing?

Years ago, when DD was a baby, my dog was always interested in whatever my daughter's diaper had to offer. (disposables)


I can only imagine we'll deal with that again with the bab(ies.)  And he would shred it, goodness knows I don't want him to ruin any expensive fluff!

What do you do to keep your dog out of the pail? I'm reading I can't have it locked down tight for fear of stink. I SUPPOSE I could keep it on the garage landing... but any other options?

Or  -

anyone want a poop-eating springer? lol.

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Re: Dogs and CD'ing?

  • I use a diaper champ.  That's the only thing my smartie-pants dog can't get into.  She has come across a couple pee-only dirties, but just likes to carry them to the living room and snuggle them...she hasn't put any teeth marks / punctures in them - yet, surprisingly :)  She has, on the other hand, destroyed a few disposable ones
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  • We shut the door to the nursery! Our dog knocked over the bin and took out all the diapers last week but didn't cause any permanent damage. That diaper champ might be a good option for us...
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  • How do you cram cloth diapers into a diaper champ?

    OP, I've heard of people buying the simple human trash cans with locking lids to keep the dogs out. Seems to work.

    Mine aren't interested in the diapers at all.

  • My dogs loved chewing up disposables and leaving tiny shreds of grossness all over the floor but for whatever reason, leave CDs completely alone.
  • I created a corner by putting the crib and dresser at an angle and the pail is back there. Neither baby nor dog can get to it.

    I don't know what I'll do if baby ever starts climbing. 

  • I have a hanging wet bag hanging from the PNP on the main floor. The dog sniffs, but can't get into it.  I think she would be all over sposies if we used them.

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  • I havn't bought a pail yet. That's why I'm asking.


    I thought you were supposed to let air get at the dipes in the pail so it wouldn't stink really bad?

    so confused.


    (for kitchen garbage we have a metal step-on-the-foot-pedal type that does seal up pretty good at the top. He's left that alone for years. But diapers? blech.)

    Join us - Commit Random Acts of Kindness, and say "I did it for Cricket" Cricket's Cadence
  • Step-can with a locking lid.  We had 3 dogs when DS was born.  We just put a baby gate at the bedroom door.  The dogs all knew they'd be in major trouble, if they jumped the gate.
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  • We have this one.  It works great, fits a planet wise wetbag perfect, and it locks. 
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  • I have toddlers, which are nearly as mischievous as dogs. Our solution when they started knocking over the pail was to go to a hanging wet bag, that hangs on an over the door hook on their door. The girls haven't gotten into it since, and I'm confident that it will work for us through potty training.
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  • Get a large hanging wet bag. They're zippered and can be hung out of reach. Also some of them even have a small piece of cloth on the inside that you can put some essential oils on to help with any smells that might escape.
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  • We have 3 bull mastiffs (yes I know I?m crazy having dogs bigger than myself) that surprisingly leave my CD?s alone.  I actually keep my CD?s in an empty kitty litter bucket that has one of those flip top lids. 

  • 3 dogs here, too, and never a problem. We use a simplehuman step can with a planet wise liner. never a problem with stinkies either, until it's laundry day and the bag is full. When i empty the bag, I just leave the can open for the 2 or 3 hours until I do another diaper change.
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  • imageDavezWife:

    I havn't bought a pail yet. That's why I'm asking.


    I thought you were supposed to let air get at the dipes in the pail so it wouldn't stink really bad?

    so confused.


    (for kitchen garbage we have a metal step-on-the-foot-pedal type that does seal up pretty good at the top. He's left that alone for years. But diapers? blech.)

    If you take out the dirty diaper bag (out of the pail) or unzip the hanging wet bag either one will stink. They are dirty diapers.  So just don't plan on taking a huge whiff.

    I wash diapers every 3-4 days, so there just isn't enough time for them to get super nasty.  If I had to keep my dog out of the dirty diapers I would most definitely get something that locks or seals up.

    And I second the PP that noted that disposables can kill dogs.  If they ingest any of that stuff it swells in their stomach and its over.

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  • imagesnoopy3319:
    3 dogs here, too, and never a problem. We use a simplehuman step can with a planet wise liner. never a problem with stinkies either, until it's laundry day and the bag is full. When i empty the bag, I just leave the can open for the 2 or 3 hours until I do another diaper change.
    This exactly, except 1 dog.
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  • imagepixy_stix:

    How do you cram cloth diapers into a diaper champ?

    OP, I've heard of people buying the simple human trash cans with locking lids to keep the dogs out. Seems to work.

    Mine aren't interested in the diapers at all.

    This is what we have. Ours has a tight lid and a push button opening top. No dog at our house...but DD sometimes likes to "explore". Yuck.

    imageimage imageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerLilypie Maternity tickers
  • imagenattn:
    My dogs loved chewing up disposables and leaving tiny shreds of grossness all over the floor but for whatever reason, leave CDs completely alone.
    disposibles are hunted down and distroyed by the dogs for who knows what reason they never have even taken a cloth and the bin is always open.
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